Customer Experience

Customer Experience Management: Five Proven Customer Experience Tips If You Want to Stay on Customer Pulse

Sep 4, 2019

4 mins read

Manisha Khandelwal

If your business would like to celebrate One thing – then it would be the love of your customers.

Believe it or not, the only predictor of customer loyalty is the overall study of customer behavior at various touchpoints and how customers are engaging with the brand. If you can measure the current customer love, then your business can improve and drive impact.

What Steve Jobs is teaching us is that the secret of truly customer-centric companies lies in the ability to predict their clients’ needs and wants, and to build around it an omnichannel customer journey.

Bearing this in mind, the real struggle, CX professionals face is to stay on customer pulse with an appropriate customer retention strategy. However, improving CX can help businesses in making important decisions that might be crucial for the growth of your company in the coming future.

Questions that Customer Experience Specialists are failing to find answers for:

  • What KPIs and metrics can best determine customer happiness?
  • How to automatically predict and identify customers who are likely to churn?
  • How to establish a process for CX?
  • How to maximize the lifetime value of customers?
  • What can be done to reduce time in resolving customer complaints?
  • And, how to engage customers to focus on the bottom-line growth – to achieve repeated sales from existing customers?

These are the questions we increasingly hear from CX professionals of different organizations across the globe. And with good reason. A well-integrated customer experience management can deliver results to improve customer retention. Also, sophisticated CX software – SurveySensum is suitable to help track and monitor customer interactions across multiple touchpoints. That’s how it helps your business to quickly respond to customer complaints and close the feedback loop deliberately.

it’s essential to improve customer experience to achieve bottom-line growth?

When your business instills the best and right CX tips to engage customers with the brand, then the brand earns the love of its customers. And making your brand popular for all good reasons in the eyes of your customer will bring a lot of benefits, including:

  • Positive customer online reviews
  • Get recommended by existing customers
  • User-generated social content
  • More spend transactions from existing users

In short, if your customers get what they expect from you. And, if your brand delivers customer expectations – then it becomes easier to be in the good books of your customers. But, only a proven CXM software to work for your business can help you understand and predict the expectations of customers. Schedule a call now with an expert CX consultant!

According to Forrester, 84 percent of organizations aspire to be a CX leader, but only one out of five delivers meaningful CX. Besides, the amount being invested in CX will have more than tripled over the last several years.

Because of this, organizations must deliver a return on this investment. Yet a few Customer Experience Specialists can make the connection between improved customer experience and revenue growth, to prove the value of their programs. The good news is there are many ways to show the return on investment of customer experience initiatives. With the right measurement, strategies, and tools in place, a solid business case can be developed and monitored for success.

Here are five customer experience tips to get your customers’ love

1. Start by listening to the current customer woes

It’s vital to collect the customer feedback using SurveySensum that will help your business understanding and measuring how customers are feeling about your brands

2. Investigate the reasons behind bad customer reviews

It’s recommended to analyze and understand the “Why” behind every bad customer feedback before you start correcting the mistakes. SurveySensum will help you analyze customer sentiment based on the feedback provided

3. Understand the customer journey from the customers’ viewpoint

Customer problems are better solved if you try to fit-in their shoes before reaching out to offer a solution. Undoubtedly, there’s a solution for every customer problem, but you will have come up with the right answer in the proper manner at the right time. Discuss and align such goals with the customer service team to turn customer feedback into customer happiness

4. Identify the critical touchpoints

When it comes to customer reviews, a lot of customers rely on online reviews. It’s advisable to find out the most critical touchpoint to take CX initiatives accordingly and turn bad online reviews into positive testimonials

5. Taking actions is a key driver

To drive impact, you must find out how and when to act to make customers stay loyal with your brand. SurveySensum is helping companies to establish and align a customer experience management process to quickly and effectively resolve customer complaints.

Customer Experience Trends 2020

Manisha Khandelwal

Senior Content Marketer at SurveySensum


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