Prevent Employee Turnover, Improve Engagement, And Boost Satisfaction With SurveySensum

This employee feedback tool helps you craft a positive work culture by continuous improvement at every touchpoint.

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500+ Companies
8 Million+ Surveys
40+ Countries
100+ Languages
Sales Conversion
Point Increase in NPS
Higher Response Rate

Elevate, Empower, and Engage with your Employees with SurveySensum

SurveySensum helps you gather real-time feedback at each touch point across the employee journey, close the feedback loop, and boost employee satisfaction with this exceptional employee feedback tool.

Gather Feedback At Every Stage of the Employee Journey with the Pre-Built Templates

Set up quick and easy employee surveys within minutes using the pre-defined templates. Just pick the survey template, personalize the follow-up questions, and launch it. All while being anonymous and unbiased with this employee feedback tool!

Make Your Employee Feedback Surveys Truly Omnichannel

Reach your employees anywhere, on their terms. Email, SMS, WhatsApp, tablets, smartphones, iPhones, iPads – we’ve got it all covered. Simply upload your contacts and choose their preferred channels. No need for extra software; seamlessly integrate your existing tools and share surveys directly through this employee feedback software.

Skip Spreadsheets! Turn Employee Feedback and Sentiments into
Insights with AI

No more manual coding! Leverage the power of AI-enabled Text analysis that automatically extracts quantitative insights from unprocessed qualitative employee feedback. This feature analyses thousands of verbatim and gives you the top trends and sentiments of employee feedback in real-time. Make data-driven decisions and improve employee experience, all without the heavy lifting.

Streamline Employee Issue
Resolution with our Ticketing

Transform every negative comment into a traceable ticket, ensuring timely resolution and escalation when necessary. Empower employees to voice concerns, experiencing swift action and follow-up on their feedback. This systematic approach guarantees quick issue resolution, fostering optimal employee satisfaction.

Empower Decision-Making with Dynamic Dashboards and
Insightful Reports

Navigate through a comprehensive 360-degree dashboard to seamlessly drill down into diverse sources like emails, pulse surveys, and custom surveys. This intuitive dashboard presents a complete picture, identifies high-impact areas for improvement, and translates insights into action. Drive employee satisfaction, reduce churn, and boost retention with actionable reports at your fingertips.

Maximize Your Efficiency with Seamless Integration

Switching from one platform to another can be a hassle! That’s why SurveySensum can easily integrate with your existing systems such as Zendesk, Slack, Salesforce, Hubspot, Freshdesk, and Intercom effectively. Its robust integration technology lets you receive responses on a Slack server, send surveys inside chats on Intercom, and integrate with other CRM applications using open APIs.


More than Just an Employee Feedback Software

Ease of Use

We made sure that the product is so easy to use that you can launch any survey in just 30 minutes and share it with all your customers.
“The best thing about SurveySensum is its simplicity. The user interface is so simple, that it made creating questions very easy, even for a new person.”
Numan Ardhi Nugraha
Product & Customer Insight Indosat

CX Consultation

We understand that you might not have a research team. So, our CX experts analyze the feedback and offer insights to boost your sales and retention.
“Whenever we needed support, you guys were right there. You’re always ready to offer us any kind of expertise that we might ask for.”
James Braun
VP of Quality at Apria Healthcare

Exceptional Support

It's not just the product, our support team comes with it. Wherever and whenever you get stuck, we guarantee to offer 1 hour SLA Support.
“Tools and features can be replicated, but the kind of support and ease that SurveySensum provides is exemplary.”
Siti Amaryllia
Head of CX at Allianz

Don't take our word for it, try it for yourself. It's free!

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Your Data is a Serious Responsibility!

You are in charge of your Data

Prioritizing data privacy, our encryption protocols and access management shield your proprietary and business sensitive information.

Your Data is Secure

Best-in-industry authentication protocols with regular vulnerability assessment & penetration tests (VAPT) ensure personalized data moats.

…and it is Protected

Our private server backs up your data in a virtually unlimited storage while following cloud security best practices to ensure data security.