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How to Choose the Right AI Survey Builder to Build Actionable Surveys: 8 Features to Look For

Jul 11, 2024

8 mins read

Manisha Khandelwal

Are you striving to gain an in-depth understanding of your customers to deliver them an exceptional experience? Then, you may want to replace your traditional survey builder with a stronger tool.

Why, you may ask? Because traditional survey builders don’t cut it anymore! Yes, they help you build surveys, but they neither have the speed nor the capability to dig deep into customer feedback in an ever-evolving CX space. 

What you need is an AI survey builder. You can build personalized surveys in minutes, gather feedback across multiple channels, and unlock hidden customer sentiments with in-depth analysis. And the best part? These AI tools can sift through millions of feedback to find the “WHY” behind each customer’s opinion.

But with so many AI survey builders in the market, how do you choose the right one? In this article, we discuss the essential features to consider when choosing an AI survey builder. Let’s dive in.

Firstly, What Exactly is an AI Survey Builder: A Quick Introduction

An AI survey builder is a tool that helps you create, distribute, and analyze surveys efficiently using technologies like Natural Language Processing and machine learning.

As opposed to a traditional survey builder, it can help you build surveys strategically and analyze them deeply with advanced tag analysis — allowing you to procure relevant feedback and granular insights. Thus, helping you make actionable decisions and close the feedback loop.

Choosing the Right AI Survey Builder to Gather Relevant Feedback and Unlock Actionable Insights

Choosing the right AI survey builder is definitely a task today, considering the increasing options in the market. You can rely on a SaaS vendor management system to understand the costs of the software and decide which one to choose.

Let us make the process simpler for you. Here are 8 mandatory features to look for when selecting an AI survey builder, so that you can create exceptional surveys.

1. Pre-Built Templates – Build Different Types of Feedback Survey in Under 5 Minutes

This image shows some of the ready-to-use survey templates offered by the AI survey builder SurveySensum

Make sure that your AI survey builder offers pre-built templates. These templates with their customizable ready-made questions, help you create feedback surveys of your choice like NPS, CES, CSAT or ENPS, etc. with a few clicks. 

Ideally, these templates should be created by CX experts to ensure they are thoroughly researched and thoughtfully designed to help you gather maximum feedback. 

You should also see to it that your survey builder provides at least 50 ready-to-use templates and offers previews in real time to show exactly how your surveys will appear to your respondents. This ensures the seamless creation of relevant surveys.

Use our Pre-Built Templates to Create Targeted Surveys Within Minutes

2. Diverse Question Types – Boost Survey Engagement

This image shows some of the question types offered by the AI survey builder SurveySensum

Given a choice between a survey with only one type of question (e.g., multiple choice) and another survey offering diverse formats like numerical scales, emojis, videos, and more  — which one would you fill out? Undoubtedly, the second one. Why? Because diverse question formats lead to better engagement.

Therefore, choose an AI survey builder that offers an array of question types (at least 20) like; multiple choice, text, numerical scale, grid, dropdown, opinion scales, and more with a provision to upload files like images, videos, and emojis. 

With such a feature in place, you can simply select your question type and customize it according to your preference. You don’t have to make additional prompts for the same.

3. Survey Logic – Beat Bias in Responses

This image shows how survey logic can be used to personalize questions via Surveysensum’s AI survey builder
Survey logic helps you design a seamless, personalized survey flow that shows upcoming questions based on the respondent’s previous answers. You can show or hide specific questions with display logic, customize the sequence of questions with skip logic, incorporate responses from the previous question into the upcoming question using piping logic, and more to deliver a personalized experience. 

Therefore, make sure that your AI survey builder offers survey logic as an off-the-shelf feature. By doing so, you can ensure that your respondent answers questions that are actually relevant to their experience. This helps in reducing the possibilities of bias in your surveys and gathering of irrelevant data. 

4. Multilingual Surveys – Build Surveys in Your Respondent’s Language

This image shows how survey questions can be curated in over 100 languages using Surveysensum

Tailor your surveys to your audience’s linguistic preferences. Your AI survey builder should allow you to create surveys effortlessly in various languages and enable your respondents to answer in the language of their choice. This will help maximize survey responses and ensure inclusivity.

5. Multiple Survey Distribution Channels – Reach Respondents Effortlessly

This image depicts the diverse distribution channels offered by Surveysensum
Choose an AI survey builder that offers a plethora of diverse survey distribution channels like WhatsApp, emails, in-app, website embed, QR codes, social media, and more. This way, your surveys have multiple channels to meet your respondents where they are.

6. AI Sentiment Analysis – Identify the “WHY” in Feedback

This image depicts how SurveySensum analyzes the sentiment behind customer feedback

Opt for AI survey builders that utilize advanced analytical techniques to find what each of your customers feels. Discover the hidden sentiments behind raw feedback (comments, reviews etc.) and identify the common factors driving it via text analysis to extract valuable insights. 

This feature will help you do a week’s worth of analysis efforts in a few minutes. For instance, you can segregate feedback and identify the number of dissatisfied customers, find the reason behind their scores and finally trace the common factors linking all these customers in less than 5 minutes.

Sift through Millions of Feedback to Find the Sentiment Behind Each Customer’s Opinion

7. Customer Behavior Prediction – Exceed Customer Expectations

This image shows how SurveySensum predicts customer behavior and trends
Choose an AI survey builder that allows you to predict customer behavior and improve their experience. Find what your customers expect, what they like and dislike from tens and thousands of feedback in no time.

With your AI survey tool, you should be able to train your AI models for use cases. As data keeps flowing in, these models will then automatically evolve to match keywords and tags that relate to customer behavior, trends, and patterns in real time.

You can then extract meaningful insights from this analysis to fulfill customer needs beforehand, thus boosting their experience.

Analyze Customer Behavior & Predict Future Trends with SurveySensum to Upgrade your Customer Experience

8. Smart Reports: Get a Detailed Overview

This image shows the comprehensive reports built by SurveySensum’s AI-powered tool

Ensure that your AI survey builder streamlines your reporting process efficiently and shares

real-time reports that provide an overview of your CX program. These reports should display the factors influencing customer sentiments, predict future trends, and identify customer behavioral patterns. This in-depth analysis will allow you to make informed decisions and strategically improve customer satisfaction.

SurveySensum – The AI Survey Builder that Makes a Difference

Creating effective feedback surveys and improving customer experience based on the feedback can look like a daunting task. However, it needn’t really be this taxing if you have an AI survey builder that helps you every step of the way with intelligent capabilities like the ones mentioned above. 

So, let us introduce you to SurveySensum – an AI survey builder that helps businesses of all sizes create effective surveys that gather data-enriched feedback, and analyze them with advanced text analysis. 

The survey builder acts as a comprehensive customer feedback platform that has all the mandatory features and more. 

  • 100+ pre-built and customizable templates curated by CX experts
  • 20+ question formats with the capability to add images, videos and emojis
  • Different kinds of survey logic like skip logic, piping logic, screen hiding and more.
  • Multilingual surveys with 100+ language options
  • Multiple survey distribution channels
  • Advanced AI-driven text analysis to conduct efficient sentiment analysis and predict customer behavior
  • AI-powered reports to get an in-depth picture of your CX program in real-time

With SurveySensum, you not only access these features but also reap benefits like user-friendly UI, 24/7 customer support, and dedicated CX consultations to close the feedback loop effectively. 

And the best part? All these are part of pricing plans designed to fit your budget!

SurveySensum’s AI survey builder is a comprehensive platform that does not stop with helping you build, distribute, or analyze surveys. The platform aims to help you close the feedback loop, and take action that impacts your bottom line to increase customer retention.

Manisha Khandelwal

Senior Content Marketer at SurveySensum

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