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Improve Your Product With Effective Product Feedback Survey Questions

Aug 7, 2024

7 mins read

Manisha Khandelwal

Did you know that companies that involve customer feedback in product development are 30% more likely to launch a successful product?

This shows that customers care about contributing to the product and with the help of an effective product feedback survey, you can gain actionable insights into your customers’ expectations, uncovering what they love, what they don’t, and where there’s room for improvement and many more insights. This helps refine your current offerings and paves the way for creating products that don’t just meet expectations – they exceed them.

So, let’s understand how to incorporate product feedback surveys into your product development strategies to create better products.

What is a Product Feedback Survey?

With a well-crafted product feedback survey, you can gain actionable insights into what your users like, and dislike, how easy it is for them to use the product, whether or not it is meeting their needs, and their overall experience with the product. 

Some important key components of these surveys include questions on product experience, some open-ended questions to gather detailed feedback, future feature requests, feature updates, and NPS. 

These surveys help you:

  • Companies tailor their products to better meet market needs by understanding their customer’s needs and preferences.
  • Uncover issues that might not be evident internally, allowing companies to address the problems before they become widespread issues.
  • Prioritize which product feature or update should be developed next, based on what matters most to users.
  • Meet customer expectations or even exceed them. This also helps in building trust and loyalty among customers.

Types Of Product Feedback Surveys (& What Questions To Ask)

Here are some common types of product feedback surveys, along with the top 30+ survey questions for product feedback.

1. Product Feedback Survey Questions For Post-Purchase Experience

What Is It: This type of product feedback survey is launched right after a customer has completed a purchase. 

Why It Matters: This helps in capturing the customer’s initial thoughts and experience about their purchase experience like the initial impressions of the product, product pricing, shipping, delivery, etc.

Questions To Ask:

1. On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with your purchase?

2. Was the product what you expected based on the description? (Yes/No)

3. How easy was the purchasing process? (Very easy, Easy, Somewhat easy, & Not at all easy)

4. What do you like most about the product? (Open-ended)

5. Is there anything you found disappointing? (Open-ended)

2. Product Feedback Survey Questions For Post-Usage Experience

What Is It: This type of product feedback survey is launched after the customer has had time to explore the product. This aims at gathering customer feedback after the customer has explored the product to understand whether or not the product met their expectations, whether or not it performed well, etc.

Why It Matters: This helps in understanding how customers are interacting with the product over time. It is helpful in identifying and resolving any usability or design issues.

Questions To Ask:

6. How often do you use the product? (Very often, Often, Rarely, & Not at all)

7. Which of the following features do you use most frequently? (User interface, filters, navigation, & Categories)

8. Are there any features you find difficult to use? (Open-ended)

9. On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate the product’s performance?

10. What improvements would make this product better for you? (Open-ended)

3. Product Feedback Survey Questions For Feature Request

What Is It: This type of product feedback survey is launched to gather insights from customers about which new feature or feature update they would like to see in the product.

Why It Matters: This helps in understanding which features the customers desire the most which will help in prioritizing product development efforts to better suit customers’ expectations and needs.

Questions To Ask:

11. What features would you like to see added to this product? (Open-ended) 

12. Is there anything missing that you think would improve your experience?  (Open-ended)

13. Which existing features do you find most valuable?  (Open-ended)

14. How important is [specific feature] to you? (Very important, Important, Somewhat important, & Not at all important)

15. Would you prefer [Feature A] or [Feature B] in the next update?

4. CSAT Product Feedback Survey Questions

What Is It: This survey measures overall customer satisfaction with the product, focusing on key aspects like product quality, design, or usability.

Why It Matters: This provides actionable insights into customer satisfaction, helping businesses gauge how well the product is meeting or not meeting customer’s expectations.

Questions To Ask:

16. How satisfied are you with the product overall? (Very satisfied, Satisfied, Somewhat satisfied & Not at all satisfied)

17. On a scale of 1-5, how well does the product meet your expectations?

18. On a scale of 1-7, how would you rate the product’s value for money?

19. On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend this product to a friend or colleague?

20. If you could change one thing about the product, what would it be? (Open-ended)

Launch different types of product feedback surveys – CSAT, NPS, etc – in under 5 minutes with SurveySensum’s robust survey builder that comes with pre-designed survey templates and relevant questions.

5. NPS Product Feedback Survey Questions

What Is It: This survey measures the likelihood of customers recommending the product to friends and colleagues, on a scale of 0-10. 

Why It Matters: NPS surveys help businesses gauge their customer loyalty and overall satisfaction. 

Questions To Ask:

21. On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our product to a friend or colleague?

22. What is the primary reason for your score? (Open-ended)

23. What could we do to improve your experience? (Open-ended)

6. Product Feedback Survey Questions For Product Improvement

What Is It: This survey gathers feedback on what aspects of the product need improvement and how customer experience with the product can be improved. 

Why It Matters: The survey helps businesses pinpoint specific issues and areas of improvement which provides actionable insights for better product development. 

Questions To Ask:

24. What aspects of the product do you think need improvement? (Open-ended)

25. Have you experienced any issues while using the product? (Yes/No)

26. What changes would most improve your experience with the product?  (Open-ended)

27. How does this product compare to others you’ve used?  (Open-ended)

28. What’s one thing we could do to make you love this product more?  (Open-ended)

7. Product Feedback Survey Questions For Beta Testing

What Is It: This survey is sent during the beta testing phase of a product launch. This helps in gathering feedback from a smaller group of users before launching it to a wider audience. 

Why It Matters: This survey is useful for identifying bugs, usability issues, technical issues, and other potential problems before the product goes live. It helps ensure that the product is free of any issues.

Questions To Ask:

29. What was your initial impression of the product?  (Open-ended)

30. Did you encounter any bugs while using the product? (Yes/No)

31. How intuitive did you find the user interface? (Very intuitive, Intuitive, Somewhat intuitive, & Not at a  ll intuitive)

32. What do you think of the product’s design?  (Open-ended)

33. Would you use this product regularly? Why or why not? (Open-ended)

By understanding different types of product feedback surveys and which questions to ask at what touchpoint, you can gather feedback from your customers and target audience that gives you actionable insights for product development and other improvement opportunities.


By incorporating product feedback surveys into your product development strategies will help you gain actionable insights into how well your product is performing, what updates or new features are required, etc. Transforming this feedback into action will not only help you create better products that will meet your customer’s expectations but will also foster a sense of trust and loyalty within your customers.

However, no strategy is complete without the right tools in place. With a robust product feedback tool, like SurveySensum, you can easily streamline your product feedback surveys – from creating quick surveys with relevant questions to analyzing survey data to derive a prioritized action plan.

Manisha Khandelwal

Senior Content Marketer at SurveySensum

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