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Enhance Customer Satisfaction with 20+ Effective Customer Service Survey Questions

Jul 5, 2024

8 mins read

Manisha Khandelwal

According to 88% of the customers, they’d love to repurchase from a brand if they offer exceptional customer service! That’s almost all your customers. 

So yes, excellent customer service is no longer an option but rather a necessity. It is one of the biggest requirements of the customers (in every industry). And it’s truly rare. While brands like Amazon, Tesla, and Apple have cracked the code (and their NPS score proves it as well), the majority of the brands are still struggling with it. 

So what’s the solution? – Customer Service Surveys!

In this blog, we are going to talk about how you can leverage customer service surveys to offer exceptional support to your customers and meet their expectations. What’s more – we’ll talk about what questions to ask, with examples, and how!

What are Customer Service Surveys?

An image showing a customer service survey created on the SurveySensum platform asking how satisfied you are with our latest customer service on a 1-5 rating scale from very dissatisfied to highly satisfied.

Customer service surveys help businesses gauge how effectively their customer support team is performing and meeting customers’ expectations.

Here’s a customer service survey example:

→ Based on your recent customer service interaction, how satisfied are you with the quality of service given to you?

By asking such simple and targeted questions, you can: 

  • Measure how well your customer service department is performing.  
  • Assess customer satisfaction accurately – whether their needs are getting fulfilled.
  • Identify areas for improvement based on gathered customer feedback.
  • Improve customer loyalty and retention by addressing customer’s concerns promptly.

Importance of Customer Service Surveys

Customer service surveys are crucial as they help you 

  • Increase Customer Retention: While 80% of the customers are likely to switch a brand due to poor customer experience, 43% of them say the reason is incompetent customer support. Customers are mostly angry or dissatisfied when they reach out to the support or helpdesk. At this point, the probability of churn is really high. That’s why their issues must be listened to and resolved. And with customer service surveys you can ensure that this happens, resulting in increased customer retention
  • Improve Customer Service Department Performance: Surveys are not only for gathering it but also tell the performance and quality of service given by your team including front liners, customer care agents, helping desk executives, and more. With this feedback, you can organize workshops or trainings for your employees to enhance overall customer service delivery. 
  • Drive Business Growth: The more satisfied your customers are, the more they are going to buy from you again, say 80% of the customers. They are sharing their feedback and expectations through support and service interaction, so why not work on it and make necessary improvements? This will push them to become brand advocates leading to word-of-mouth marketing and referral business. 

Now that you understand its importance, let’s have a glance at the customer service satisfaction survey questions to strengthen your competitive edge. 

20+ Customer Service Survey Questions Examples

When crafting customer service surveys, your questions can make all the difference in gathering valuable customer insights. Here are customer service survey examples to consider:

  1. Was your issue resolved by our customer service agent effectively? [Binary question: Yes or No] 
  2. On a scale of 1-7 where 1 is least satisfied and 7 is highly satisfied, how would you like to rate your satisfaction level with your recent interaction with our customer service executive? [Rating scale: 7-point scale]
  3. How effortless was it for you to reach out to our customer service department to get your query answered on a scale of 1-5? [CES]
  4. How polite was our customer service executive while resolving your issue? {Rating scale: 5-point scale]
  5. Do you think our customer service representative was knowledgeable enough to resolve your issue? [Binary question: Yes or No]
  6. Based on your recent call interaction with our customer service department, how effective were their communication skills? [Rating scale: 7-point scale]
  7. Are you satisfied with the duration of time it took to resolve your support ticket? [Binary question: Yes or No]
  8. Did our customer support representative update you about your issue being resolved? [Binary question: Yes or No]
  9. Was your issue resolved quickly? [Binary question: Yes or No]
  10. Would you like to share your experience on how our customer service agent tackled your issue? [Open-ended question]
  11. Did you find our support agent empathetically involved to listen and understand your issue well? [Binary question: Yes or No]
  12. How satisfied are you with the quality of customer service offered to you? [CSAT]
  13. Did our customer service meet your needs? [Binary question: Yes or No]
  14. How likely are you to recommend our company’s service to your friend or colleague, on a scale of 0-10? [NPS]
  15. How does our customer service team help you today? [Multiple-choice question] 
  16. Would you like to receive customer support from the recent customer service agent who resolved your issue? [Binary question: Yes or No] 
  17. Which service channel do you prefer the most to reach our customer service team? [Multiple-choice question] 
  18. Please help us in making our services better by sharing your recent customer service experience with us. [Open-ended question] 
  19. Is there anything else that we are lacking to serve you better? [Open-ended question]
  20. Did our support agent provide you with a clear solution to your recent problem? [Binary question: Yes or No]
  21. What did you like most about your recent experience with us? (Open-ended question)

With that, let’s move ahead and learn how to create customer service surveys hassle-free.


Do you want to know your customers’ satisfaction with your services and product in real time? Launch your customer service surveys with SurveySensum and analyze their satisfaction levels instantly


When to Send Customer Service Surveys?

You should send customer service satisfaction surveys after:

  • Every customer interaction with the CSR
  • Service renewal
  • Service update

Now that you know when to send these surveys, let’s have a look at some tips to leverage these survey insights. 

9 Tips to Leverage Customer Service Survey Insights

Here are the best practices for you to keep in mind while creating effective customer service surveys: 

1. Set Clear Objectives: Why are you planning to send the survey – to gauge the effectiveness of your CSRs or measure customer satisfaction? Set the objective before creating a questionnaire to get relevant insights.

2. Keep Your Survey Simple and Relevant: No one wants to answer long surveys, stick to short surveys with relevant questions. 

3. Do Pilot Test Before Official Launch:  Testing the survey beforehand lets you cross-check the survey design and improve it in time. The clearer your survey will be, the more reliable and authentic feedback you will receive. 

4. Use Advanced Tools for Analysis: Use advanced analytics tools like SurveySensum’s Text Analytics to identify top trends and sentiments from tons of qualitative feedback.


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5. Close the Feedback Loop: Take action on the gathered customer feedback to make them feel valued. Get into tech by using automated tools and analytics platforms to regularly review the collected survey data, and after implementing the feedback, keep your customers in the loop to show that their feedback is heard and acted upon.

6. Track Performance Over Time: Constantly monitor and compare survey results to assess the effectiveness of implemented changes and keep a record of your KPIs like customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty metrics. 

7. Build a Customer-Focused Culture: Share the gathered customer feedback across the teams, and departments within the organization to foster a customer-centric culture. And don’t forget to appreciate your team for continuing to give great customer service.

8. Personalize Customer Interactions:  Use survey feedback and CRM systems to track customer preferences and history and customize communication to deliver a great customer experience. 

These were our 10 tips that you must implement to effectively leverage customer service survey insights to achieve long-term business success.

To Conclude

Nowadays, giving exceptional customer service is what matters MOST to the customers. The better your services are, the more customers are willing to repurchase and spread positive word of mouth – boosting customer satisfaction levels and loyalty. And to keep yourself updated with the evolving customer trends, you must use customer feedback tools like SurveySensum. This tool helps you create customer service surveys that truly understand how satisfied your customers are and what their experience is like.

With guidance from CX professionals, you can send these surveys at the right moments, like after a customer interacts with you or when they renew their service. These surveys don’t just measure satisfaction—they help you find ways to improve your customer service. By using the feedback you get, you can make smart choices that keep customers coming back and talking positively about your business.

Manisha Khandelwal

Senior Content Marketer at SurveySensum

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