
Customer-driven future: Indonesian Customer Experience Trends to watch for in 2020

Dec 16, 2019

6 mins read

Tanuj Diwan

Indonesian Customer Experience Trends to watch for in 2020

A report by SurveySensum revealed preferences of 1000 consumers across 25 categories and 300+ brands in Indonesia.

Today, customer experience is perhaps the most important aspect for any business to succeed. It was not too long ago when businesses claimed that the key to winning customers is in the product or service they deliver.

But, today things have changed. Customers now want hassle-free interactions and engaging environment, in the absence of which, any business can hit rock bottom in just a matter of time.

”When a business places Customer Experience at its top priority and leaves people feeling heard and appreciated, they often enjoy the benefits of repeat business. This, in turn, builds a troop of loyal customers, which is a good indicator that the business is sure to grow” says Mr. Rajiv Lamba, CEO at SurveySensum.

SurveySensum’s Customer Experience Trends Report, 2020 highlights 6 key CX trends that every company in Indonesia must know to reinforce a positive customer experience strategy:

1. Customer Experience as The Competitive Differentiator

According to a study, “67% of customers switch brands not because of the price or the features, but because of the lack of good customer experience”.

Respondents felt that the brands did not give them the attention they deserve, and so decided to switch and explore similar products from competitor brands.

This shows that customers are willing to spend more on products if the brand offers them exceptional customer experience in addition to fulfilling their needs.

SurveySensum report showed that Malls and Smartphones have become adept at delivering superior customer experience, while Airlines and Big Restaurant Chains have yet to live up to evolving customer expectations.

Customer Experience Trends 2020

2. The rise of the On-Demand Economy

Convenience is the key to the game. Customers now expect to receive a product or a service whenever and wherever they want it.

To respond to this on-demand trend, legacy brands and stores must innovate across touchpoints to meet customer needs.

With more and more customers demanding immediate access to the products and services, brands need to shift from traditional business models and embrace change.

customer experience trends 2020
According to the SurveySensum report, customers are getting more inclined towards convenient ways of buying and purchasing products or services like E-wallets, e-commerce, etc.

thereby bringing the rise of the use of mobile and delivery apps and making “Uberization” the most talked-about term amongst businesses today.

3. Customers expect Deeper Personalization

Gone are the days of the door-to-door sales rep who offered similar products to customers and assumed that they all have similar needs. As customer experience is evolving, customers have become more conscious of how brands interact with them.

According to the report, customers want a fair exchange of value for personalization and want brands to provide meaningful personalization without creeping into customers’ lives. It’s time for businesses to understand customers’ preferences and buying habits.

SurveySensum also revealed that 76% of the customers prefer E-wallets due to ease of use as well as personalized promotions like discounts and cashback. On the other hand, they are less trusting of credit cards due to high-interest fees and unrelatable promos.

customer experience trends 2020

4. Loyalty programs will be the Next Game Changer

Customer experience does not have to end with one transaction. Once you have established a relationship with your customers, ensure that they are rewarded for their loyalty.

A recent study reported that “Loyal customers are 5x more likely to purchase from the same company again, and 4x more likely to refer it to friends and family”.

3 in 5 respondents of SurveySensum study mentioned that they would consider joining a loyalty program if their favorite brand offered one. Loyal members spend up to 250% more than the average user.

In addition to that, loyal customers often provide honest Customer feedback about a product or service, whether good or bad, because they want your business to grow. Thus, listening to your customers is a must because it costs much less to sell to an existing customer than to acquire new ones.

5. Keep it Simple for your Customers

New channels are the king of today’s shopping experience–customers now prefer to shop for groceries online as it is more convenient and less expensive than brick-and-mortar shopping.

A study showed that “48% of shoppers look at general shopping as a chore”, which opens a new door for the retailers to make convenience a cornerstone of their retail strategy.

These days, automated shopping lists, in-app orders and pick up facilities seem more delightful to the customers.

6. Holistic Brand Experiences is the New Decision Journey

The report revealed that as compared to brand promise and premium, customer experience will have a far greater say in consumer spending and decision-making.

SurveySensum highlights the need for brands to provide value through their products and services across all operative touchpoints and not just through traditional advertising and marketing.

For instance, Apple’s “Think Different” has become the most famous slogan of all time because the brand continues to live up to its brand promise. SurveySensum concludes

that organizations that can understand and leverage branding to make it more meaningful to the customers will be able to build sustainable brands for the future.

On SurveySensum’s Survey Methodology

SurveySensum’s report was put together using an AI-driven customer experience management platform methodology that surveyed as many as 1000 consumers across Indonesia and covered 25 categories and 300 brands.

Customers were asked to rank their answers to questions on customer experience and provide explanations behind their answers.

1. Consumers were asked questions on how likely they are to recommend a brand on a scale of 0 to 10.

2. Consumers were then asked to give the reasons behind their ratings in the above question.

Wrap up

Businesses always have to be on the lookout for trends in customer experience (Cx Indonesia), lest they lag behind and lose their loyal customer base. SurveySensum’s report showed how important it is for customers to have genuine interactions with brands, beyond simply transacting with them.

Customers today desire a holistic experience–they want to be truly educated about products and services and also learn the relevance of these products and services to their personal lives.

Brands who understand their customers, capitalize on digital/technology investments and analytics, and seize upon the opportunity to engage customers in a highly personalized way at surveysensum can drive increased customer conversion and loyalty.

Customer Experience Trends 2020

Tanuj Diwan


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