Net Promoter Score

How to Visualize Feedback Scores With NPS Reports

Apr 18, 2024

9 mins read

Manisha Khandelwal

Your NPS score is at an all-time high and you just onboarded a new client with the power of positive word-of-mouth from one of the satisfied customers. 

Well, this is the power of NPS. Not only does it help you build strong relationships with your customers, it significantly boosts your company’s growth. 

However, not all loyal customers actively endorse your products 

— making it crucial to delve deeper into your NPS data. 

While your NPS program brings back a variety of quantitative and qualitative data,  what really matters is how you understand the data and bring it to use. 

And that’s where NPS reports come into the picture.

NPS reports are one of the most efficient organizing NPS data that every team in your organization can easily understand. 

And there is no better tool than robust NPS software to create these intuitive reports!

First, let’s understand NPS reports.

What is an NPS Report?

The image shows the Net Promoter Score report created with the help of Surveysensum after launching surveys with the platform.

An NPS survey report is a detailed analysis that dissects the outcomes of your NPS survey, focusing on both the quantitative and qualitative insights gathered from NPS surveys. 

→ It basically offers a visual representation of how your NPS program is performing.

The report encompasses various elements tailored to meet your organization’s specific objectives. These elements include the distribution of respondents across NPS categories (Promoters, Passives, Detractors), trends over time, actionable recommendations, and comparisons with industry benchmarks or competitors’ NPS scores, etc.

By customizing the content and format of the NPS report to align with organizational goals and presenting it in a clear and impactful manner, you can leverage the insights gained from the NPS survey to drive strategic decisions and improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Now, let’s explore the types of NPS reports and the functions that they serve.

Different types of NPS Report Examples

There are several types of NPS survey reports that organizations can create to analyze customer feedback and track Net Promoter Scores effectively. Here are some examples of different types of NPS reports: 

1. Numerical Report

The image shows the numerical report created by SurveySensum including the percentage of promoters, detractors, and passives.

This report provides a numerical breakdown of the NPS program along with the percentages of Promoters, Passives, and Detractors. It typically includes the formula used for calculating the NPS and also includes benchmarks or targets for comparison purposes. 

2. Word Cloud

 The image shows a word cloud created by SurveySensum to provide an overview of the NPS responses collected.

The word cloud report presents a visual representation of the most commonly used words or phrases from the open-ended responses in the NPS survey. Words are sized based on their frequency, allowing you to quickly identify common areas of concern mentioned by customers. 

3. Text and Sentiment Analysis

The image shows the NPS report created by SurveySensum displaying the sentiments expressed by the respondents.

This report dives deeper into the qualitative data by conducting a text and sentiment analysis of the open-ended responses. Text analysis categorizes responses into different themes or topics, such as product quality, customer service, etc., while sentiment analysis evaluates the sentiment (positive, negative, neutral) associated with each topic, offering insights into areas where customers are particularly satisfied or dissatisfied.

4. Trends Over Time – Historical NPS

The image shows the NPS trends report created with SurveySensum showing a company’s historical NPS trends over time.

The historical NPS report tracks NPS scores over time, presenting trends and patterns in customer loyalty and satisfaction. Analyzing historical NPS data helps in understanding long-term trends and evaluating the effectiveness of strategies implemented to enhance customer experience.

5. Bar Chart

The image shows a bar chart Net Promoter Score report created with SurveySensum, which facilitates benchmarking and comparisons.

The bar chart report provides a comparative view of NPS scores across different customer segments, product lines, geographic regions, etc. By presenting NPS scores in a bar chart format, you can easily compare performance metrics and identify areas of strength or areas that require attention.

Each of these elements contributes to a comprehensive NPS report that combines quantitative metrics with qualitative insights, providing a holistic view of customer loyalty, satisfaction levels, and actionable recommendations for enhancing the customer experience.

What Are The Benefits Of Creating An NPS Report?

Creating an NPS report offers several benefits for organizations looking to understand and improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Some of the key benefits of creating an NPS report include:

1. Identifying Promoters and Detractors: The NPS report categorizes customers into Promoters, Passives, and Detractors. This segmentation helps identify advocates who can drive positive word-of-mouth and detractors who may be at risk of churning, allowing organizations to prioritize efforts to retain and delight customers.

2. Understanding Customer Feedback: In addition to the numerical NPS score, the report includes qualitative feedback from open-ended survey questions. This feedback provides valuable insights into the reasons behind customers’ ratings, their experiences, pain points, and suggestions for improvement.

3. Benchmarking Performance: NPS reports allow organizations to benchmark their performance against industry standards, competitors, or previous periods. Comparing NPS scores and trends helps identify areas of strength and areas for improvement, leading to more informed decision-making.

→ Deep dive into how to benchmark your NPS Score

4. Driving Continuous Improvement: The insights gained from an NPS report enable organizations to identify trends, patterns, and actionable recommendations for enhancing customer experience. By addressing feedback and implementing changes based on customer insights, organizations can drive continuous improvement and enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty over time.

5. Enhancing Customer Retention: By proactively addressing issues highlighted in the NPS report and focusing on improving customer satisfaction, organizations can reduce customer churn and improve customer retention rates. Satisfied and loyal customers are more likely to continue doing business with the company and become brand advocates.

6. Informing Strategic Decision-Making: NPS reports provide senior management and decision-makers with valuable data and insights to inform strategic planning and resource allocation. With the help of this, organizations can drive business growth, enhance competitiveness, and build strong customer relationships.

Overall, creating an NPS report enables organizations to systematically measure, analyze, and act upon customer feedback, leading to improved customer satisfaction, loyalty, and business performance.

Reap the benefits of NPS Reporting by conducting surveys and organizing data for enhanced customer satisfaction with SurveySensum!

How To Create An NPS Report With SurveySensum?

I’ve kept it simple with 5 easy steps! 

1. Launch NPS Survey

The image shows the NPS question you can ask using SurveySensum by sharing through various platforms and channels.

Log in to SurveySensum and create the NPS survey. All you need to do is select the NPS template and customize it to your brand colors. 

After you create your NPS survey, here’s how you can share it via multiple channels in a single go, click on the ‘share’ tab on your SurveySensum dashboard and select the channel. 

 The image shows how you can launch NPS surveys using SurveySensum by sharing through various platforms and channels.

2. Gather Responses in One Place

The image shows how you can gather responses from NPS surveys using SurveySensum by integrating with other channels.

So, yes your customers are using multiple channels but it’s difficult to work with too many platforms. Well, let’s make it easy!

SurveySensum gathers all the responses for you through the integrated platform of your choice in one place. 

All you have to do is:

  • Click on the ‘Integrations’ tab on your SurveySensum dashboard.
  • Select your preferred platform to gather responses.
  • Integrate the software with the chosen platform and streamline the process!

3. Analyze the NPS Feedback

The image shows how SurveySensum helps you segment both qualitative and quantitative responses.

All the feedback has started pouring, now is the time to analyze the NPS feedback. Well, SurveySensum automates the process for you.

For the close-ended NPS question, it automatically calculates NPS scores based on the responses to the NPS question. And for the open-ended qualitative question, it categorizes responses into trends and sentiments with the help of AI-enabled Text Analytics

Here’s what you need to do!

  • Train the system for the first 50 feedback. Read the comments and tag them into categories. For example, for a SAAS company, a few categories could be pricing, support, technical issues, and product design. 

That’s it! Now the Text analysis will automate the process with machine learning. you will see how the platform can tag every comment. This will give you a detailed report of top trends and sentiments in just a few minutes.

4. Generate NPS Report

 The image shows how you can generate and customize your NPS survey report using SurveySensum.

When all the analysis is done, it’s time to get the comprehensive insights from the reports. Just go to the SurveySensum Dashboard and click on the ‘Add Report’ button on the top right.  Now you can generate an NPS report as you need! 

Here’s how you can structure the report:

  • Numerical Report: Include the overall Net Promoter Score, and percentage of Promoters, Passives, and Detractors.
  • Word Cloud: Create a word cloud based on the open-ended responses to highlight common themes and sentiments.
  • Text and Sentiment Analysis: Conduct a topic analysis and sentiment analysis of the qualitative feedback to identify key topics and sentiments.
  • Trends Over Time: Present historical NPS trends using line graphs or area charts to visualize changes in NPS scores over different periods.
  • Segmented Analysis: Analyze NPS scores across different customer segments, such as demographics, product usage, or geographic regions.
  • Recommendations: Provide actionable recommendations based on the NPS data and insights gathered.
  • Visualizations: Use bar charts, pie charts, and other visualizations to enhance the presentation of NPS data and make it easier to understand.

5. Customize and Share the Report

The image shows how you can share the NPS survey report using SurveySensum by customizing it accordingly.

And yes, you can always customize the NPS report with your organization’s branding, colors, and logos. You can then share the report with stakeholders, such as senior management, marketing teams, and customer service departments, to drive strategic decision-making and improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

All you have to do is:

  • Click on ‘Design’ to customize your report.
  • Click on ‘Share’ to generate a sharable link 
  • Choose ‘Export and Import’ to export it to a file of your choice.

SurveySensum offers intuitive tools and features to streamline the process of creating and analyzing NPS surveys and reports, allowing organizations to gain insights from customer feedback, take the necessary actions, and drive business growth.


Utilizing NPS reports is key to visualizing, understanding, and leveraging this data effectively. These reports organize NPS data in a format that every team in your organization can easily understand, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning. 

To maximize the benefits of NPS reporting, leverage tools like SurveySensum which streamline the process of collecting, analyzing, and presenting NPS data. By following the outlined steps and utilizing SurveySensum’s AI-enabled features, comprehensive dashboard, etc, businesses can effectively boost customer satisfaction, drive growth, and build strong customer relationships.

Manisha Khandelwal

Senior Content Marketer at SurveySensum

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