Customer Experience

Avoid 7 Common Mistakes while Creating B2B SaaS Onboarding Survey

Aug 9, 2023

7 mins read

Manisha Khandelwal

Welcome to the world of B2B SaaS, where your product’s success depends on keeping your customers happy. 

Think about this: How well do you really know what your customers want and need? 

Imagine this: Your customers take charge and start using your product. They sign up, learn how it works, and even reach out for help – all on their own. It’s like a dance of freedom where your product meets their expectations. 

But here’s the big question: How can you make sure that this dance stays in perfect harmony, creating a wonderful partnership? 

That’s where the SaaS onboarding survey comes in – like a flashlight that helps you see through the fog of customer preferences. 

This article is all about SaaS onboarding surveys – what they are, why you should use them, how they can help you in SaaS customer retention and the 7 common mistakes to avoid when making one, a template for creating a survey for B2B SaaS, and the best questions to ask in these surveys.

What is a SaaS Onboarding Survey?

A B2B SaaS onboarding survey is a set of questions given to new customers when they start using a B2B SaaS product. These surveys include questions to understand user pain points, preferences, and expectations. 

Onboarding surveys pave the way for a successful customer journey. They aim to understand customers’ experience, preferences, and any problems they might face during onboarding. And the data collected helps businesses improve their onboarding process, product usability, and customer support – leading to better customer satisfaction and retention.

However, despite its apparent simplicity, creating effective SaaS onboarding surveys involves avoiding various mistakes that can result in irrelevant or incomplete outcomes. 

Let’s delve into these errors to gain a clearer understanding. 

7 Common Mistakes To Avoid In a B2B SaaS Onboarding Survey

Here are the 7 common mistakes that most businesses end up making so make sure you avoid them while creating your B2B SaaS onboarding survey. 

Mistake #1: Asking Too Many Questions

The image shows a meme on long surveys- asking too many questions 

One common mistake to avoid when creating a B2B SaaS onboarding survey is to NOT ASK TOO MANY QUESTIONS.

They can overwhelm your users and lead to lower completion rates. 

That’s why always keep the survey short, simple, and straightforward by keeping the focus on the most critical aspects of the onboarding process. Prioritize the questions that will provide the most valuable insights to improve user onboarding. 

Tip: Remember, a shorter survey is more likely to keep users engaged and willing to participate, ensuring accurate and useful feedback.

Mistake #2: Not Personalizing the Survey 

In B2B onboarding surveys, personalization is key. 

Why? – Because when you customize the surveys as per your each business’s unique requirements then it leads to better engagement and more accurate insights. 

This shows your dedication to their success, boosting response rates and making clients feel valued. Personalized surveys in B2B strengthen relationships, guiding smart choices and fostering growth for both sides.

So say a big NO to generic surveys. Instead personalize them by adding their first name, mentioning any specific features they use, or referring to their industry. This personal touch shows that you value their input – strengthening your relationships with them and fostering growth for both sides.

Mistake #3: Adding Vague/Biased Questions

You must avoid biased, vague questions. Why?

Because biased questions can influence respondents’ answers and lead to unreliable data. 

Always go for neutral language. Also, refrain from making assumptions about user opinions and avoid loaded questions with assumptions as well. 

Tip: Be clear and specific in your question to gain reliable insights from your users.

Mistake #4: Focusing Solely on Quantitative Questions

One common mistake to avoid when crafting your B2B SaaS onboarding survey is relying heavily on quantitative questions. While quantitative questions, such as the Likert scale and multiple-choice questions, can give numerical ratings and specific feedback, they can not capture the full spectrum of user experiences. 

Therefore, solely relying on numerical data might overlook crucial details and nuances in users’ sentiments.

Mistake #5: Not Adding Qualitative Questions

In addition to quantitative questions, failing to include qualitative questions is another mistake to steer clear of in your onboarding survey. 

Qualitative questions offer users the opportunity to share in-depth, open-ended feedback about their experiences. These insights reveal specific pain points and highlight areas for improvement that quantitative data alone may not uncover.

Tip: Use a mixture of both quantitative and qualitative questions to gauge your customers’ sentiments, expectations, and satisfaction

Mistake #6: Neglecting to Take Apt Action on Survey Insights 

The image shows a meme about not taking action on gathered data

What’s the point of doing this survey if you are not going to take any action on the feedback?

Take relevant action on the insights gathered from the onboarding survey. The whole purpose of the survey is to identify areas for improvement and enhance the user experience. 

So, close the feedback loop by analyzing the data collected, identifying recurring themes, and prioritizing actionable steps. 

Tip: Act on the feedback and make necessary changes that positively impact their onboarding journey. And keep them updated about the taken action to show users that their input is valued and taken seriously.

Mistake #7: Lack of Objective in Survey Questions

The image shows a meme on the lack of objective in survey questions 

Make sure each survey question is tailored to address specific aspects of the onboarding experience. 

Why? – Because only then you can gain valuable customer insights. 

Simplify your question and ensure users easily understand them. If necessary, provide context to help users grasp the intent behind asking specific questions. 

Tip: Specific and focused questions can yield more valuable responses, enabling you to improve your onboarding process and optimize the overall user experience effectively.

After avoiding these common mistakes, this is how your B2B SaaS customer onboarding survey should look like – 

B2B SaaS Onboarding Survey Template  

Here’s the template for the onboarding survey: 

An image showing a B2B SaaS onboarding survey template


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And here come the top most questions that you can ask your customers. 

15 SaaS Onboarding Survey Questions 

These are the SaaS onboarding survey question examples that you can customize as per your branding to improve the onboarding experience: 

  1. How would you rate your overall experience during the onboarding process with our B2B SaaS product?
  2. Did the onboarding team effectively address your specific business needs?
  3. Were the onboarding resources helpful in getting started with our product?
  4. How satisfied are you with the level of communication from our onboarding team?
  5. Did the onboarding process help you understand the key features of our SaaS product?
  6. Did you encounter any challenges during the onboarding process? If yes, please elaborate.
  7. How well did our onboarding team demonstrate the implementation process?
  8. Were the training sessions helpful in enabling your team to use the product effectively?
  9. Did you receive adequate support in configuring the product to suit your business requirements?
  10. How would you rate the onboarding process in terms of its timeline?
  11. Did the onboarding team proactively provide best practices to optimize product usage?
  12. Were you able to seamlessly integrate our SaaS product with your existing systems?
  13. Did the onboarding process adequately address your data security and privacy concerns?
  14. How likely are you to recommend our B2B SaaS product to others based on your onboarding experience?
  15. Is there any specific feedback you have for improving the onboarding process?

That’s all!

Now, make sure while launching an effective B2B SaaS onboarding survey, you’ll avoid these seven mistakes. All you just have to do is 

  • Keep the survey concise 
  • Personalize it for individual users
  • Use both quantitative and qualitative questions
  • Close the feedback loop by taking apt actions
  • Ask specific questions to continually improve the onboarding experience

By doing so, B2B SaaS companies like yours can strengthen customer relationships and ensure long-term success.

And if you want a robust feedback platform that simplifies the process of creating B2B SaaS onboarding surveys, explore SurveySensum


Manisha Khandelwal

Senior Content Marketer at SurveySensum


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