Net Promoter Score

Boost Customer Loyalty With Effective ChatGPT Prompts for NPS Calculation

Aug 2, 2024

7 mins read

Manisha Khandelwal

Want to keep a finger on the pulse of customer satisfaction? NPS can do it for you. Calculating the NPS score is not just about crunching numbers – it’s about understanding how your customers truly feel about your product, service, and overall brand. 

In fact, more than two-thirds of Fortune 1000 companies use NPS as a key metric to gauge the quality of their customer experience. 

However, calculating NPS is not a complicated process nowadays. With AI capabilities like ChatGPT, calculating NPS can be smooth like butter. Whether you’re new to NPS or looking to refine your approach, using AI prompts can simplify the calculation and interpretation.

So, leverage this new-age technology and improve customer satisfaction and loyalty with the help of some useful ChatGPT prompts for NPS calculation.

Why Use ChatGPT for NPS Calculation?

The integration of AI, especially tools like ChatGPT, into NPS calculation offers several advantages.

1. Efficiency and Accuracy: With ChatGPT you can process and analyze a large number of customer feedback and reviews in a matter of minutes, increasing team productivity and efficiency. Not just that, because of the use of AI capabilities, you not only become efficient but also derive actionable insights that are accurate and relevant to your goals.

2. Cost-effectiveness: Automating the process of NPS calculation with ChatGPT will help you reduce the need for extensive manual labor and operational costs and you can allocate resources more effectively by minimizing time spent on data entry and analysis.

3. Scalability and Flexibility: With ChatGPT, handling increasing volumes of customer feedback has never been easier. The tool is flexible and can be scaled as per business needs and is suitable for businesses of all sizes – from startups to multinational corporations.

Let’s now create some useful ChatGPT prompts for NPS calculation.

Creating Effective ChatGPT Prompts for NPS Calculation

An effective prompt for NPS calculation needs to be designed to elicit honest and insightful feedback from customers. Here are a few ChatGPT prompts for NPS calculation.

1. Basic NPS Calculation Prompts

These prompts are ideal for beginners who need to understand the fundamentals of NPS.

  • How do you calculate it?

Example – “I surveyed 100 customers with NPS surveys and received the following data:
– Promoters = 60%
– Passives = 20%
– Detractors = 20%
Now calculate the NPS based on the above data.”

  • Give me a step-by-step explanation for the above NPS calculation.
  • How do you determine Promoters, Passives, and Detractors from NPS responses?

2. Detailed Calculation Prompts

For those who want to dive deeper, these prompts guide you through the step-by-step process of calculating NPS.

  • Walk me through the process of calculating NPS from start to finish.
  • How do you convert survey responses into an NPS score?
  • What are the steps involved in gathering and categorizing NPS data?

3. Analyzing NPS Over Time

Tracking NPS over time can reveal trends and help in strategic decision-making. These prompts focus on longitudinal analysis.

  • How do you analyze NPS trends over time? Give me a step-by-step process with examples.
  • What does a change in NPS over multiple periods indicate about customer sentiment?
  • How can you use historical NPS data to predict future customer loyalty?

4. Segmented NPS Analysis

Segmenting NPS by different customer groups provides more granular insights. Use these prompts for a segmented approach.

  • How do you calculate NPS for different customer segments?
  • What are the benefits of segmenting NPS data by demographics or product usage?
  • Explain how to analyze NPS across different customer touchpoints or regions.

Want to improve your customer loyalty? Well, look no further than SurveySensum’s NPS software – saddled with everything you need to launch your own NPS program! From survey creation to analyzing feedback to extracting actionable insights and taking action in real-time – you have got your back!

Customizing ChatGPT Prompts for Different Industries

Every industry has unique customer dynamics, so tailoring your ChatGPT prompts to specific sectors can yield more relevant insights.

For Retail:

For SaaS:

  • Explain the process of calculating NPS for a subscription-based software service.
  • How can NPS be used to reduce churn in a SaaS business?

For Hospitality:

  • What are the key considerations when calculating NPS for a hotel or restaurant?

Don’t Forget About the NPS Software!

Using AI tools like ChatGPT is an effective way to calculate NPS and improve your customer satisfaction, however, don’t forget to incorporate robust NPS software as it makes a world of difference to your NPS program. 

NPS software takes the guesswork out of the program and automates everything – from NPS survey creation to omnichannel feedback gathering to analyzing data and deriving insights to close the feedback loop in real time. This means you can focus more on taking action and less on managing the logistics. 

With the right NPS software, you can,

  • Create customizable surveys and send them via multiple channels and meet your customers where they are. Also, you can receive feedback from multiple channels.
  • After receiving the feedback with the help of AI-enabled Text Analytics software, you don’t have to invest hours going through each and every feedback. The software will automate the process of analyzing each and every textual feedback, segment them, and tag them into different categories based on relevant keywords.
  • You can take action in real-time with an AI-powered ticketing system where every negative feedback triggers a ticket which is then automatically assigned to the concerned person with a fixed SLA.
  • You can also get customized and analytical survey dashboards which will make it easier for you to identify top trends, and customer sentiments, and share the data with your team and stakeholders.
  • And all of this without switching between multiple apps!


Integrating AI in CX is not a “near future” thing anymore, it’s happening right now. So, start incorporating AI capabilities like ChatGPT, into your CX strategies like with NPS calculation, to fast-track and streamline your process. Whether you are just getting started or want to dive deep into detailed calculations – knowing what prompts to use will make a huge difference and make your NPS program more effective.

However, using ChatGPT prompts for NPS calculation is an incomplete attempt to track and improve customer loyalty. ChatGPT will only give you what you ask of it, it cannot go beyond that, so it is always recommended to use NPS software to create an NPS program that will actually work. 

With AI-enabled NPS tools, like SurveySensum, you can not only do NPS calculations in a matter of minutes but also create surveys, launch them, gather feedback, analyze them, and extract actionable insights to take prioritized action. Now, you can’t do all of this with ChatGPT without using ten different software, so do use AI but don’t forget the good-old potential of a robust tool.

Manisha Khandelwal

Senior Content Marketer at SurveySensum

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