Customer Experience

13 Strategies for Crafting Effective Product Feedback Surveys

Oct 24, 2023

10 mins read

Manisha Khandelwal

Do you want to stay updated with your customer needs and preferences to enhance your product?

Well, product feedback surveys and product feedback tools are the way to go!

By launching these surveys you can actually understand what your customers want, their preferences, and their pain points. And improve your products as per your customer needs and expectations – giving you a competitive edge. 

And yes, to make the process easy – it is always recommended to have an efficient product feedback platform.

Sounds good but, what exactly is product feedback? And how to create compelling product feedback surveys? 

We’ll explore all this in this blog along with 13 strategies for creating effective product feedback surveys

It’s a journey that benefits both companies and customers, putting the power of change in the hands of those who matter the most – the USERS.

Let’s dive straight into the definition of a product feedback survey. 

What are Product Feedback Surveys?

An image showing the product feature satisfaction survey created on the SurveySensum tool asking - How satisfied customers are with the close loop feature on a 5-point scale

Product feedback surveys are questionnaires that ask people about their experiences with a particular product. They help companies collect feedback from customers to understand what’s working well and what needs improvement.

Not just that. It also helps you 

  • Listen directly to your customers.
  • Make products that customers really want.
  • Make ongoing improvements.
  • Engage with customers and make them feel valued.
  • In giving a competitive edge over competitors.

That was about product feedback surveys, let’s explore strategies for creating and using these surveys effectively.

13 Strategies for Crafting Effective Product Feedback Surveys

Now, let’s dive into crafting successful product feedback surveys.

Strategy 1: Define Your Goal 

When creating a product feedback survey, it’s crucial to start by identifying your goals. Ask yourself what you want to achieve with the survey. It can be anything from 

  • understanding your customers’ needs, 
  • pinpointing areas for product improvement, 
  • gathering feedback on new features, 
  • measuring customer satisfaction, or 
  • identifying bugs and usability issues

Knowing your objectives will help you tailor your survey questions to get the right insights.

Strategy 2: Target the Right Audience

Now, let’s talk about WHOM you should be sending your product feedback survey. 

Not every customer will have the insights you need, so it’s important to target the right audience. To do that, you should consider reaching out to:

  • Recent Users: They have fresh experiences with your product.
  • Valuable Users: Those who really dive into your product.
  • Users who’ve Encountered Problems: Their feedback can help you fix issues.
  • Subscribers to Your Email List: They’re already engaged.
  • Social Media Followers: They’ve shown an interest in your brand.
  • Decision Makers: They have a direct impact on whether they will continue to use your product or not. 

By reaching out to these groups, you increase your chances of getting high-quality feedback that can truly make a difference.

That’s not all. It’s important to ask the right questions and send surveys at the right time (ideally when customers have the opportunity to thoroughly explore the product or when their customer experiences are still fresh in their minds.) 

This tailored approach maximizes the quality and impact of the feedback on your product’s enhancement. Lastly, when sending surveys to your email subscribers, implementing a free email verifier can ensure that your outreach is directed towards genuine and engaged recipients.

Strategy 3: Design User-Centric Surveys 

Creating user-friendly surveys is key to getting valuable feedback. Here’s how to do it:

  • Keep it Short and Simple: People are busy, so make your survey quick to complete, ideally taking just 5-6 minutes of their time.
  • Ask the Right Questions: Your questions should be crystal clear, brief, and directly related to your goals. Avoid tricky or vague questions.
  • Use a Variety of Question Types: Mix it up with different types of questions. Open-ended ones let customers share detailed feedback, while closed-ended questions make it easier to analyze the survey data.
  • Avoid Ambiguity and Leading Questions: Don’t make your questions confusing or biased. Ambiguous questions are often misunderstood, and leading questions can sway the responses.

By designing surveys this way, you’ll get more meaningful feedback from your customers.

Create Compelling Product Surveys With SurveySensum – Sign Up for Free

Strategy 4: Ask the Right Questions from the Right User

When it comes to your product feedback surveys, it’s essential to consider the source:

  • Product Users: These are the people who use your product day in and day out. They can provide insights about its practicality and functionality. For example, Team member, Analyst, etc. 
  • Decision-Makers: Talk to the people who have a say in choosing or implementing your product. Their feedback can reveal how your product aligns with broader business objectives. For example, Head of Product, Email C-level executives, CEO, CXO, etc. 

By collecting feedback from both groups, you get a more comprehensive understanding of how your product impacts both its users and the broader decision-making process. This balanced approach can lead to more effective improvements and solutions for your product.

Strategy 5: Timely and Relevant Distribution 

How and when you send out your product feedback surveys can make a big difference. Here’s how to do it right:

  • Choose Critical Interaction Points: Send surveys at moments that matter. For instance, after a customer makes a purchase or tries out a new feature. This ensures the feedback is fresh and relevant.
  • Select the Best Delivery Channels: Use the right channels to reach your audience. You can send surveys through email, in-app, or on your website. Pick the channel that gets you closer to your target audience.
  • Avoid Survey Fatigue: Don’t overwhelm your customers with surveys. If you send too many, they’re less likely to respond. Keep it to no more than once a quarter to maintain their interest and engagement.

Strategy 6: Encourage Meaningful Responses 

Getting valuable feedback means encouraging your customers to share their thoughts. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Offer Incentives Tied to Product Usage: Motivate users by giving them incentives like discounts, extended trials, or exclusive features related to the product. This way, you get feedback from those who are genuinely engaged.
  • Personalize Survey Outreach with Customer Success: Use personalized outreach by involving your customer success team. They can reach out directly to customers, making them feel valued and more likely to provide insightful responses. This human touch can lead to more meaningful feedback collection.

Strategy 7: Analyze and Act on Feedback 

Collecting feedback is just the beginning; its true value emerges when you analyze and take action on it. By doing so, you not only enhance your products but also ensure customer satisfaction. Here’s how to analyze the feedback and turn it into action:

  • Identify Patterns in User Feedback: Dive into the qualitative feedback with Text Analytics and look for common themes. Find areas where customers are asking for improvements. These patterns are the keys to understanding what needs to change.
  • Develop an Action Plan: Once you’ve identified the main areas for improvement, create a plan to address them. This way, you can turn feedback into tangible actions that enhance your product.

Strategy 8: Communicate Findings and Follow-Up 

Once you have analyzed the feedback and taken action, it is important to close the feedback loop by communicating your findings to your customers. This shows that you are listening to their feedback and are committed to improving your product. You can communicate your findings through a blog post, email, or social media channels

Strategy 9: Continual Product Enhancement 

Improving your product is an ongoing journey, and product feedback surveys play a vital role in this process. Here’s the key:

  • Run a Perfect Product Feedback Loop: Make product feedback surveys a continual process. Keep collecting feedback from your customers regularly, and use those insights to enhance your product continuously. In other words, keep the feedback loop running smoothly to ensure your product is always evolving to meet your customers’ needs.

Strategy 10: Strategic Placement of the Survey

Where you put your product feedback survey matters. Here’s how to place it strategically:

  • On Relevant Pages: Put the survey where it makes the most sense. If you want feedback on the checkout process, place it on the checkout page. This ensures that you’re asking questions when the experience is fresh in the customer’s mind.
  • With an Exit-Intent Popup: When a customer is about to leave your site, show them the survey. It’s their last chance to share their thoughts, and they might appreciate the opportunity.
  • In-app or Post-Interaction: If you have a mobile app, consider asking for feedback right within the app. Or, after a customer completes a significant action, like making a booking, prompt them for their thoughts. This is a strategic way to get feedback when it’s most relevant.

Strategy 11: Make it Easy to Complete Your Survey

Getting people to complete your survey is important. Here’s how to make it easy:

  • Use a Mobile-Friendly Platform: Many people access surveys on their mobile devices, so make sure your survey platform is mobile-friendly. It should be easy to navigate, even on smaller screens.
  • Offer Incentives: Encourage participation by offering an incentive for completing the survey. It could be a discount on their next purchase or an entry into a giveaway. Incentives make the survey feel more worthwhile for your customers.

Strategy 12: Be Ruthless When it Comes to Prioritizing

You’re bound to collect a lot of feedback, but here’s the catch:

  • Prioritize the Most Critical Feedback: Imagine you receive 1,000 product reviews. It’s impossible to address every single one. So, be ruthless in your approach. Focus on the most important user feedback that can have a significant impact. Product managers should identify the key areas where improvement is needed and take action accordingly. 

By doing this, you make the most of your resources and address the issues that matter most to your users.

Strategy 13: Remove Internal Bottlenecks

Internal obstacles can slow down your product feedback loop. So, here’s what to do:

  • Bust Internal Silos: In many companies, only a specific team, like customer success, communicates directly with customers. This can create a gap in understanding. To fix this, you need an open communication network. All team members should be able to interact with customers when needed. This ensures that valuable customer insights reach the right teams, eliminating bottlenecks in the process.

In a Nutshell, 

Creating effective product feedback surveys is your secret to enhancing your product. These 13 strategies empower you to gather valuable insights, improve your products, and satisfy customers. It all starts with well-designed surveys, targeting the right audience, and personalizing outreach. Keep the surveys short, and always act on the feedback you receive.

But it doesn’t end there. Continual product enhancement, timely survey distribution, and strategic placements are key. Make it easy for users to participate, and eliminate internal bottlenecks. With these strategies, you turn customer feedback into actionable insights, nurturing a cycle of improvement. 

So, why wait? Try SurveySensum as it is an effective product feedback management tool that not only lets you launch surveys but also helps you distribute them on multiple platforms and analyze them in real-time. There are many more benefits that it offers. 

Manisha Khandelwal

Senior Content Marketer at SurveySensum


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