Customer Experience

Unlocking Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Customer Health Score

Dec 6, 2023

11 mins read

Manisha Khandelwal

Ever found yourself wondering why some businesses flourish while others struggle to keep up? 

Imagine your business as a vibrant garden, with customers as the colorful blooms. But, here’s the thing – how do you ensure your garden is thriving? 

— Enter the Customer Health Score – the secret sauce that successful businesses swear by. 

It’s like a fitness tracker for your customer relationships, telling you when things are blooming or need a little extra care. 

But hold on, do you know how to interpret these signals? With customer feedback!

It helps gauge your Customer Health Score, giving you insights into the heartbeat of your business relationships. 

And that’s not all, a robust customer feedback tool can simplify this process, making it a breeze for you. 

So, if you’re ready to dive deep into the realm of unlocking success through customer insights, this guide is tailor-made for you. 

In this blog, we will discuss how this metric can help your business, how to calculate customer health score, and why it is important, along with some examples. 

But let’s first understand what is a customer health score.

What is a Customer Health Score?

Customer Health Score is a CX metric that businesses use to assess the overall well-being of their customer relationships. It quantitatively measures customer satisfaction and engagement based on various factors and KPIs. 

The goal is to gauge how satisfied and loyal customers are and to identify any potential issues that may affect the long-term health of the customer relationship. It considers various factors, including product usage, customer feedback, and engagement. 

But, Why is Customer Health Score Important?

With the customer health score you can,

1. Identify and prioritize customers who may be at risk of churning. By recognizing early warning signs, you can proactively address the issues, provide additional support, or offer incentives to retain customers. For instance, if the customer engagement rate drops then you can identify it as a potential issue and dig deeper to resolve the reasons behind them.

2. Take proactive measures to enhance customer satisfaction and build loyalty. By regularly assessing the health of customer relationships, you can intervene before issues escalate. For example, proactive customer support leads to increased satisfaction and customer loyalty.

3. Optimize resource allocation more effectively. By identifying which customers require more attention, you can optimize your customer success initiatives and focus on areas that will have the greatest impact on overall customer satisfaction and retention.

Now, that we understand the importance of this metric, let’s understand how to calculate it.

How to Calculate Customer Health Score?

This image shows the calculation of customer health score in 5 stages. The process includes defining customer health, setting predictive metrics, creating a scoring system, segmenting customer data, and visualizing customer health score.

Customer health score calculation involves assigning values to various metrics and KPIs that reflect the overall health of the customer-business relationship. 

The specific formula and components can vary depending on the nature of your business and the industry you are in, but here is a general step-by-step process on how to calculate customer health score for your business.

1. Define Key Metrics

First things first – identify the key metrics and KPIs that are relevant to your business and industry. Are you looking to improve your customer loyalty program? Or do you want to retain customers by improving your customer satisfaction? 

Once you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with customer health score calculation, you will have a better understanding of what type of customer behavior you should be monitoring to accurately measure your customer health.

2. Assign Weight to Each Metric

Not all metrics are of equal importance. Assign weight to each metric based on their significance in reflecting customer health. 

For example, if customer retention is your top priority, you might assign a higher weight to customer retention rate compared to other metrics.

3. Create a Scoring System

Establish a scoring system for each metric. Define the range of values for each metric that will contribute to a healthy score. 

For example, if your CSAT scores range from 0 to 100, then you can consider scores above 80 as ‘healthy’. Similarly, set ranges for other metrics based on what is considered positive for your business.

4. Segment Your Customer Data

Now that you have collected your customer data, the next step is to segment it. Segment your customer data based on the ranges and scoring system you’ve established. Categorize customers into different health segments, such as ‘Healthy,’ ‘At Risk,’ and ‘Unhealthy’. 

This customer segmentation helps you prioritize actions and interventions based on the health of the customer relationship.

5. Visualize Your Customer Health Score

Use data visualization tools to represent the customer health score for different customer segments. It facilitates easy interpretation and decision-making among teams.

It could be in the form of dashboards, charts, or graphs that provide a clear and quick overview of the health of your customer base. 

This is how you can calculate your customer health score for your business to improve. Now, let’s move on to understand the importance of customer health score metrics to track.

Gauge Customer Health with CSAT Surveys


Customer Health Score Metrics

Here are some important customer health score metrics that you can measure across different touchpoints in the customer journey to improve your overall business performance.

1. User Activity and Engagement Metrics

This is a pictorial representation of customer engagement metrics where a team member is designing strategies to increase customer engagement.

  • Frequency of Logins: This metric measures how often customers log in to your website or use your service. A high frequency generally indicates that customers are actively engaged and find value in your offering, while a low frequency might suggest disinterest or potential issues that might lead to churning.
  • Feature Adoption: It assesses how well users are incorporating and utilizing the various features your product or service offers. High adoption rates suggest that users find value in these features, while low adoption rates may indicate a need for improvement.
  • Overall Engagement: This metric combines multiple factors of user interaction, such as time spent on the product, the number of actions performed, and overall user engagement levels. It provides a holistic view of how users are interacting with your product or service.

2. Usage Metrics

This is a pictorial representation of Product usage Metrics where a team member is strategizing to increase product usage.

  • Product/Service Utilization: This metric evaluates the extent to which customers are using your product or service. High utilization is generally a positive sign, indicating that customers are deriving value from the offering.
  • User Feedback: It involves collecting opinions, suggestions, and pain points directly from users. Analyzing this feedback helps understand user sentiment and areas for improvement.
  • Ratings: These are numerical or qualitative assessments provided by users. They offer a quick insight into user satisfaction with specific features or interactions with customer support.

3. Support Metrics

This is a pictorial representation of support usage Metrics where a customer support agent is conversing with a customer to resolve an issue.

  • Ticket Resolution Time: This metric measures how quickly customer support resolves issues or inquiries. A shorter resolution time is generally associated with positive customer experiences.
  • Customer Satisfaction with Support Interactions: Businesses often collect feedback to gauge customer satisfaction after resolving a support ticket. Positive feedback indicates effective support, while negative feedback highlights areas needing improvement.
  • Support Request Frequency: Monitoring the frequency of support requests helps identify patterns. A high frequency indicates challenges with the product or a learning curve for users, while a low frequency is generally ideal.

4. Financial Metrics

This is a pictorial representation of support Financial Metrics where team members are analyzing financial data.

  • Renewal Rates: It assesses the percentage of customers who continue using the product or service after their initial contract period. High renewal rates suggest customer satisfaction and value.
  • Upsell/Cross-Sell Opportunities: This metric identifies opportunities to sell additional products or features to existing customers. 
  • Customer Lifetime Value: CLV estimates the total value a customer brings to the business over their entire relationship. A rising CLV is generally positive, indicating that customers are not only satisfied but also contributing significant value to the business.

So, here are the important customer health metrics to track across the customer journey to improve your customer health score. Now, let’s move on to understand the different types of customer health score examples.

Track Key Customer Health Metrics


Customer Health Score Examples 

Here are the different types of examples of how the customer health score can be represented.

1. Percentage Scale

A simple and straightforward customer health scoring system is the percentage scale. In this type of scoring system, scores are gathered from different features or customer interactions, like product usage, bugs, customer support, etc, all holding an assigned value. This way the important customer interactions hold more weight than the smaller ones.

2. Color Code

Color coding is another simple, yet effective, scoring system. The customer experiences can be divided into healthy, unhealthy, and at-risk, and colors like green, yellow, and red can be assigned to these categories. 

3. Alphabetical Scale

Like the color coding scoring system, the alphabetical scale assigns an alphabetical order to each customer interaction, based on their customer health score. The higher the score is, the higher the grade is.

4. Ranking Scale

With the help of the ranking scale scoring system, you can organize your CRM system by your customer health. The customer’s rank can be listed on the far-left side of the table, and next to it, you can assign how many points your customer health score has gained or lost in a given period of time. With this table, you can easily see and understand your most happy and the least happy or at-risk customers.

There you go! The different types of customer health score scoring system examples you can use to track and improve your customer health score. Now, let’s move on to understand how to improve customer health score for your business.

How to Improve Customer Health Score?

Improving customer health scores involves a strategic and proactive approach to enhance the overall satisfaction and engagement of your customers. Here are some key strategies to consider:

1. Understand Customer Needs

  • First, you need to understand what matters to your customers the most in order to improve your product and retain them. 
  • Regularly collect and analyze customer feedback to understand your customer’s needs, preferences, and pain points. 

2. Create a Clear Scoring System

  • Make sure that your scoring system is clear and easy to understand by different team members.
  • This will help them to understand customer needs and concerns better and work to improve it more efficiently.

3. Enhance Product/Service Value

  • Now that you understand your customer needs, continuously invest in improving your product/service based on customer feedback and market trends.
  • Introduce new features, updates, or improvements that address customer concerns, and needs and add value to their experience.

4. Provide Effective Customer Support

  • Ensure prompt and efficient resolution of customer issues. Monitor and improve ticket resolution times.
  • Implement a customer-friendly support system with clear communication channels and responsive support agents.

5. Promote User Engagement

  • Encourage and incentivize user engagement with your product or service.
  • Run targeted marketing campaigns to highlight key features, provide tips, and promote ongoing usage.

6. Proactive Customer Communication

  • Keep customers informed about updates, improvements, and upcoming features.
  • Proactively address potential issues before they become major concerns by communicating regularly.

Remember that improving customer health is an ongoing process requiring consistent effort and attention. Regularly assess the effectiveness of your strategies and adjust them based on evolving customer needs and market dynamics.


A healthy customer is a happy customer. When your customer health score indicates ‘healthy’ it equals happy and satisfied customers, and if it indicates ‘unhealthy’, well then it’s time to worry. 

So, to keep your customers happy, you need to develop strategies to check and improve your customer health score in order to retain them. Just like you don’t want that virus to infect your laptop, you also don’t want to give reasons for your customers to leave you, right? 

Now, in order to improve your customer health score, you need a robust customer feedback tool, like SurveySensum, to create, launch, gather, and analyze your customer feedback regularly to understand your customer’s needs, concerns, and preferences. 


Manisha Khandelwal

Senior Content Marketer at SurveySensum


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