Customer Experience

70+ Online Shopping Survey Questions To Ask Your Customers

Jul 7, 2023

26 mins read

Manisha Khandelwal

Do you know which are the right online shopping survey questions to include? If not, then here’s an example showing how the right survey questions improve retail customer experience

Emma wants to buy a microwave as she’s recently moved to a new place. While using her smartphone, she browsed Croma’s website, applying filters to find the perfect one. 

She found two options she liked but couldn’t decide on, so she saved them to her wishlist. 

To Emma’s surprise, Croma later emailed her with a personalized discount. Excited, she reviewed the details and added the item to her cart. Making a quick payment through UPI, she was thrilled when the product arrived on the same day. 

This is how Croma delivered an exceptionally great experience. 

But this wasn’t a coincidence; it was the result of leveraging technology and mapping their customers’ journeys

They identified the moment when Emma was undecided and offered her a personalized discount to help her make a choice.  And after the delivery of the product they sent a customer satisfaction survey asking about her experience with the delivery process of the product. 

This is just one touchpoint where Croma interacts with its customers. There are many more touchpoints where Croma can engage with its customers. 

Do you want to know all these touchpoints and how to keep customers engaged even after they shop from you?

If yes, then this blog is for you. 

Here we’re unraveling the touchpoints on which you can ask online shopping survey questions (with examples) for retail customer experience feedback.

Online Shopping Survey Questions (with Examples) for Retail Feedback

You can send surveys through the retail customer feedback tool at different touchpoints of a customer journey to identify gaps and improve those touchpoints.

Here are 14 important touchpoints of a customer journey to gather retail feedback, along with the type of surveys, the objective of the survey, when to send it, and examples of the online shopping survey questions.

1. Website Feedback Survey

This image shows the survey question designed for a First Impressions Survey on the SurveySensum platform

The first interaction a customer has in their shopping journey is with your WEBSITE. 

So is your website updated with your customer’s needs and preferences? 

Is it easy to navigate? Free of glitches?

If your answer is yes to the given questions, then launch website feedback surveys.


To gather quantitative and qualitative feedback.

But how will this help you? 

Well, by gathering feedback you can determine the effectiveness of your website by asking customers about their overall experience, ease of navigation, whether the website meets their expectations, etc.

Touchpoint Landing page, or website entry
Type of Survey First Impressions Survey
When to Send Immediately or after the customer’s first interaction
  • Evaluate the overall impression of the website
  • Ease of navigation
  • Clarity of information

Some of the examples of CSAT and CES survey questions for your website survey:

  1. How would you rate your overall experience on our website?
  2. On a scale of 1-5, how was your experience with our website navigation? 
  3. Did you find the information that you’re looking for? 
  4. Did you encounter any technical issues while using our website? 
  5. How likely are you to recommend our website based on its ease of use?

2. Product Listing or Category Pages Feedback Survey

This image shows the survey question designed for a Product Discovery Survey on the SurveySensum platform

After your customer have had their first interaction with your brand website, the next step –  explore your products to make a purchase.

So, design your category pages clearly, including filtering, and sorting options, navigation bars, product listing, etc. to enhance your customer’s shopping journey. 

Gather customer feedback on their interactions with your products to understand the friction and improve your product listing or category pages to meet their needs and expectations.

Touchpoint Product listing or category pages
Type of Survey Product Discovery Survey
When to Send After the customer has spent some time browsing the product listing or category pages.
  • To evaluate how easily customers find desired products/categories
  • Assess the effectiveness of filtering and sorting options
  • Gather feedback on the product variety and selection

Some of the examples of CSAT and CES  survey questions for your product discovery survey:

  1. How would you rate the experience of finding your desired products on our website?
  2. Did the filtering and sorting options refine your product search?
  3. Was the product variety on the listing page satisfactory?
  4. Were the product descriptions informative enough to make an informed decision?
  5. How much effort did you need to put into finding products that matched your preferences?

3. Product Satisfaction Feedback Survey

This image shows the survey question designed for a Product Satisfaction Survey asking a binary question on the SurveySensum platform

Let’s say you are browsing through the product listing of a website to buy a t-shirt. After a few minutes, you click on a few products to get a closer look and more details. 

But here’s the catch: if you don’t find the necessary information about the product, like clear images, detailed features, a video demonstration, or even a product quality rating, you might just abandon your shopping journey then and there.

But if the brand makes sure to provide you with all the proper information you need about the product, it can make a world of difference. It will help you to make an informed decision and increase the chances of completing your purchase. 

You can create online shopping survey questions to ask your customers about their interactions with your products to evaluate the gap between your product and customer expectations.

Touchpoint Product detail pages
Type of Survey Product Satisfaction Survey
When to Send After the customers have viewed specific product detail pages.
  • To assess customer satisfaction with product quality and features
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of product images and descriptions, 
  • Assess how well the products meet customer expectations.                          

Some of the examples of CES and CSAT survey questions for your product satisfaction survey:

  1. How satisfied were you with the level of detail provided in the product descriptions?
  2. Did the product images and descriptions accurately represent the product you received?
  3. Was it difficult to locate the key information, such as pricing and availability, on the product detail page?   
  4. How much effort did you have to put into extracting the necessary information from the product detail page?
  5. Did you encounter any difficulties while trying to understand the product details?

Know your customer’s experience with your product for enhanced product adoption and innovation! Launch your Product Satisfaction Feedback Surveys today!

4. Checkout Process Feedback Survey

This image shows the survey question designed for a Checkout Experience Survey on the SurveySensum platform

According to a report by the Baymard Institute on “Cart Abandonment Stats 2023”, it was found that the average cart abandonment rate is 69.9%, out of which 17% of the customers abandon because of a long and complicated checkout process.

This shows that a smooth and painless checkout process is an important part of the customer journey. 

But how to ensure that?

Well, one effective way to tackle this issue is by gathering feedback from your customers regarding their experience with your checkout process. By doing so, you can gain valuable insights into the gaps that exist between your current checkout process and your customers’ expectations.

Touchpoint Add to cart or checkout process
Type of Survey Checkout Experience Survey
When to Send After the customer has added items to the cart or completed the checkout process.
  • To evaluate the ease of adding items to the cart
  • Assess the clarity of pricing and discounts 
  • Gather feedback on the overall checkout process.

Some of the examples of CSAT and CES survey questions for your checkout process survey:

  1. How satisfied were you with the overall checkout process?
  2. Was it difficult to add items to your cart?
  3. Did you find the pricing information transparent during the checkout process?
  4. Were you provided with sufficient information regarding delivery during the checkout process?
  5. Did you encounter any difficulties with the checkout process?

5. Payment Page Feedback Survey

This image shows the survey question designed for a Checkout Experience Survey on the SurveySensum platform

Baymard Institute’s report on “Cart Abandonment Stats 2023”, found that, out of 69.9% of people who abandon cart, 18% of them abandon their cart because they didn’t trust the site with their credit card information.

Your payment page is where your customers make their payments and share their personal financial information. This page needs to be safe, secure, and user-friendly for a safe and smooth payment process.

You can gather feedback from your customers on their experience with your payment process to identify and improve the gaps between your payment process and your customer’s expectations.

Touchpoint Payment page
Type of Survey Payment Experience Survey
When to Send After the customer has completed the payment process.
  • To gather feedback on the payment method options
  • Assess the customer’s perception of the security and trustworthiness of the payment process.

Some of the examples of CSAT and CES survey questions for your payment experience survey:

  1. How satisfied were you with the available payment method options?
  2. Did you find the payment process to be secure?
  3. Did you encounter any challenges while entering your payment information? 
  4. Were you provided with clear information regarding any additional charges related to the payment?
  5. How was your overall experience with the payment process?

Leverage insights from Payment Page Surveys and make data-driven improvements to your payment processes with SurveySensum!

6. Purchase Confirmation Feedback Survey

This image shows the survey question designed for a Purchase Confirmation Survey on the SurveySensum platform

Let’s say you’re shopping online for deodorant. You visit a website, take your time browsing through different products, and finally make a decision on which one you want to purchase. Feeling satisfied with your choice, you add the deodorant to your cart and proceed to the checkout.

But then, something unexpected happens. After completing the payment process, you don’t receive any confirmation that your order has been successfully placed. No email, no text – nothing. Naturally, you are concerned. So you decide to reach out to customer care.

After a long wait, you got to know that your order was placed and will be delivered within 4-5 days. While it’s a relief to hear that, the whole experience has left you feeling a bit frustrated.

In situations like this, it becomes apparent how crucial it is for businesses to ensure smooth communication and provide timely updates to their customers. It’s important to address any potential gaps in the customer journey, such as the lack of order confirmation in this case, to avoid causing unnecessary stress and maintain customer satisfaction.

You can create online shopping survey questions to ask your customers about their experience with your purchase confirmation to identify and improve the gaps between your confirmation page and your customer’s expectations.

Touchpoint Confirmation page
Type of Survey Purchase Confirmation Survey
When to Send After the customer has completed the payment process.
  • To evaluate the accuracy of order details
  • Assess the clarity of delivery and shipping information.

Some of the examples of CSAT and CES survey questions for your confirmation page experience survey:

  1. Did you receive a confirmation of your order after your payment was processed?
  2. Were there any difficulties with receiving confirmation on your order?
  3. How satisfied are you with the accuracy of the order details displayed on the confirmation page?
  4. Did you encounter any difficulties while trying to find the delivery information on the confirmation page?
  5. Did the confirmation page provide all the necessary information you needed regarding your purchase?

7. Post-Purchase Customer Feedback Survey

This image shows the open-ended survey question designed for a Customer Feedback Survey on the SurveySensum platform

Taking a post-purchase feedback survey right after a customer buys your product is a non-intrusive way to understand how your customers feel about your brand/product and the overall experience of shopping with you.

This survey will help you in gaining insights on how to improve the buying experience for your customers. You can gather feedback from your customers on their experience with your brand/product to identify and improve the gaps between your brand/product and your customer’s expectations.

Touchpoint Post-purchase follow-up email
Type of Survey Customer Feedback Survey
When to Send After the customer has completed their purchase
  • To measure the overall satisfaction with the purchase
  • Assess the likelihood of the customer recommending your brand.

Some of the examples of CES survey questions for your post-purchase customer feedback survey:

  1. How was your overall shopping experience with us?
  2. How satisfied are you with your recent purchase from us?
  3. What did you love the most about the experience?
  4. Would you recommend our brand to others?
  5. What would you recommend us to improve in our shopping experience? (Open-ended)

Utilize Post-Purchase Feedback Surveys and gain valuable insights into the customer journey to identify areas for improvement with SurveySensum!

8. Customer Support Feedback Survey

This image shows the survey question designed for a Customer Support Survey on the SurveySensum platform

According to a report by Zendesk on “CX Trends 2022”, it was found that 81% of the customers say a positive customer service experience increases their likelihood of making another purchase.

A positive customer service experience is an important part of your customer shopping journey. Ensuring prompt and efficient customer service can create a positive impact on your customer satisfaction.

You can create an online shopping questionnaire to ask your customers about their experience with your customer support team to identify and improve the gaps between your customer service and your customer’s expectations.

Touchpoint Customer support interactions
Type of Survey Customer Support Survey
When to Send After the customer has interacted with customer support agents.
  1. Evaluate the response time and helpfulness of support agents
  2. Assess the resolution process of customer inquiries.

Some of the examples of CSAT and CES survey questions for your customer support survey:

  1. How would you rate the response time of our customer support agents in addressing your inquiries or concerns?
  2. Did you find our support agents helpful in resolving your issues or answering your questions?
  3. Did you find our customer support agent to be polite and respectful?
  4. How knowledgeable was our customer support representative in addressing your concerns? 
  5. Would you say that the customer support team made the process of resolving your issue simple and straightforward?

9. Product Review Feedback Survey

This image shows the survey question designed for a Product Review Survey on the SurveySensum platform

Once your customers have made a purchase from your brand, it’s important to find out

  • How satisfied they are with the product? 
  • Did they encounter any difficulties along the way? 

By actively asking an online shopping questionnaire from your customers, you demonstrate your commitment to providing them with the best possible experience. It’s a win-win situation: you gain valuable insights to refine your product, and your customers feel heard and valued. 

Touchpoint Product review or rating submission
Type of Survey Product Review Survey
When to Send After the customer has submitted a product review or rating.
  • Determine product satisfaction and the likelihood of repurchase
  • Gather detailed feedback on the product experience.

Some of the examples of CSAT and NPS survey questions for your product review survey:

  1. Did our product meet your expectations? 
  2. Did our product fulfill the need you had?
  3. How satisfied are you with the overall value for money our product provides?
  4. How likely are you to continue using our product in the long term?
  5. Based on your recent shopping experience, would you shop from our brand again?

10. Loyalty Program Feedback Survey

This image shows the survey question designed for a Loyalty Program Survey on the SurveySensum platform

Brands like Sephora and Starbucks have successfully implemented loyalty programs to reward their dedicated customers. 

These programs are specifically designed to express gratitude for customer loyalty by providing a range of benefits. These include exclusive discounts, early access to new products, free shipping, and exclusive perks reserved for members.

Also, you can gather feedback with online shopping questionnaires from your customers about their experiences with your loyalty programs to identify any gaps that may exist between your loyalty program and your customers’ expectations.

Touchpoint Loyalty program sign-up
Type of Survey Loyalty Program Survey
When to Send After the customer has signed up for the loyalty program.
  • Evaluate the interest in joining the loyalty program
  • Gather insights into desired program benefits and rewards.

Some of the examples of survey questions for your loyalty program survey:

  1. Did our loyalty program meet your expectations? 
  2. What factors motivated you to join our loyalty program?
  3. What specific benefits are you looking forward to receiving as part of our loyalty program?
  4. How satisfied were you with the overall convenience of joining our loyalty program?
  5. Are there any additional perks you would like to see included in our loyalty program?

11. General Feedback Survey

This image shows the survey question designed for a General Feedback Survey on the SurveySensum platform

Does completing a customer’s shopping journey mean the end of the relationship? No.

There is one more opportunity: the general customer feedback survey. 

This survey aims to gather feedback on various aspects of the customer’s interaction with your brand/product, including product quality, customer service, website usability, delivery process, and overall satisfaction. 

The collected feedback will help you to identify areas of improvement, measure customer loyalty, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the shopping experience. Ask both qualitative and quantitative questions to understand your customer’s experience and gather suggestions for improvement.

Touchpoint Customer feedback surveys or feedback forms
Type of Survey General Feedback Survey
When to Send After the customer has completed their shopping.
  • To assess the overall shopping experience 
  • Gather suggestions for improvement.

Some of the examples of survey questions for your general feedback survey:

  1. How would you rate your overall experience with our company?
  2. How likely are you to recommend our company to others?
  3. Is there anything specific you liked about your experience with our company? (Open-ended)
  4. How would you rate the ease of navigating our purchasing process?
  5. Do you have any specific suggestions for us to improve our products or services?

Gather Customer Feedback the Right Way in under 5 minutes with SurveySensum!

12. Newsletter Subscription Feedback Survey

This image shows the survey question designed for a Subscription Feedback Survey on the SurveySensum platform

When a customer subscribes or signs up for your newsletter it is evident that they are interested in your content. For example, beauty brands like Sephora provide their members with newsletters. These newsletters contain beauty tips, beauty blogs, special offers, and discounts.

These newsletters are a great way to keep your customers engaged with your brand/product after they have completed their shopping with you.

You can create online shopping survey questions to ask your customers about newsletter subscriptions to identify and improve the gaps between your newsletter and your customer’s expectations.

Touchpoint Subscription or newsletter sign-up process
Type of Survey Subscription Feedback Survey
When to Send After the customer has completed the subscription or newsletter sign-up process.
  • Understand the reason for subscribing to newsletters
  • Gather the preferences of customers regarding frequency and content.

Some of the examples of survey questions for your subscription feedback survey:

  1. What motivated you to subscribe to our newsletters?
  2. How frequently would you prefer to receive newsletters from us?
  3. How would you rate the variety of offerings available through your subscription?
  4. What types of content would you be most interested in receiving through our newsletters?
  5. Did our subscription service meet your expectations?

13. Exit Feedback Survey

This image shows the survey question designed for an Exit Feedback Survey on the SurveySensum platform

When a potential customer leaves without making a purchase, you lose out on revenue. This is called cart abandonment, and it happens for various reasons, such as a complicated checkout process or unexpected additional costs.

You can gather feedback from visitors who exited your website identify and improve the gaps between your website and your customer’s expectations.

Touchpoint Website exit or abandonment prompts
Type of Survey Exit Feedback Survey
When to Send After the customer has exited the website or abandoned the shopping process.
  • Understand the reason for leaving the website 
  • Suggestions to overcome obstacles.

Some of the examples of survey questions for exit feedback survey:

  1. What was the primary reason for abandoning the shopping process?
  2. Were there any specific obstacles that prevented you from completing your purchase?
  3. Did you encounter any technical difficulties while browsing our website? 
  4. Were there any additional costs that you found off-putting?
  5. Is there anything specific we could have done differently to improve your experience on our website? (Open-ended)

Know the reason behind your customers leaving and reduce customer churn rates by launching effective exit feedback surveys with SurveySensym!

14. Relationship Net Promoter Score (rNPS) Survey

This image shows the survey question designed for Net Promoter Score (NPS) Survey on the SurveySensum platform as one of the example of online shopping survey questions

Relationship NPS will help you establish a healthy relationship with your customers by helping you investigate areas of customer experience that need improvement.  

You can gather feedback from your customers on their overall satisfaction with your brand/product to identify and improve your customer experience.

Touchpoint After building a relationship 
Type of Survey Net Promoter Score (NPS) Survey
When to Send After the customer has exited the website or abandoned the shopping process.
  • To measure overall customer satisfaction and determine the likelihood of the customer to recommend your brand.

Some of the relationship NPS survey questions:

  1. Were you satisfied with the overall shopping experience?
  2. How would you describe your overall experience with our brand/product?
  3. How likely are you to explore other products offered by our brand?
  4. On a scale of 1-5, how likely are you to recommend our brand to a friend or colleague?
  5. Are there any areas where you feel our brand could improve?

Improve your customer relations by launching relationship NPS surveys today!

70+ Online Shopping Survey Questions for Retail Feedback

First Impressions Survey
  1. How would you rate your overall experience on our website?
  2. On a scale of 1-5, how was your experience with our website navigation? 
  3. Did you find the information that you’re looking for? 
  4. Did you encounter any technical issues while using our website? 
  5. How likely are you to recommend our website based on its ease of use?
Product Discovery Survey
  1. How would you rate the experience of finding your desired products on our website?
  2. Did the filtering and sorting options refine your product search?
  3. Was the product variety on the listing page satisfactory?
  4. Were the product descriptions informative enough to make an informed decision?
  5. How much effort did you need to put into finding products that matched your preferences?
Product Satisfaction Survey
  1. How satisfied were you with the level of detail provided in the product descriptions?
  2. Did the product images and descriptions accurately represent the product you received?
  3. Was it difficult to locate the information on pricing on the product detail page?   
  4. How much effort did you have to put into extracting the necessary information from the product detail page?
  5. Did you encounter any difficulties while trying to understand the product details?
Checkout Experience Survey
  1. How satisfied were you with the overall checkout process?
  2. Was it difficult to add items to your cart?
  3. Did you find the pricing information transparent during the checkout process?
  4. Were you provided with sufficient information regarding delivery during the checkout process?
  5. Did you encounter any difficulties with the checkout process?
Payment Experience Survey
  1. How satisfied were you with the available payment method options?
  2. Did you find the payment process to be secure?
  3. Did you encounter any challenges while entering your payment information? 
  4. Were you provided with clear information regarding any additional charges or fees related to the payment?
  5. How was your overall experience with the payment process?
Purchase Confirmation Survey
  1. Did you receive a confirmation of your order after your payment was processed?
  2. Were there any difficulties with receiving confirmation on your order?
  3. How satisfied are you with the accuracy of the order details displayed on the confirmation page?
  4. Did you encounter any difficulties while trying to find the delivery information on the confirmation page?
  5. Did the confirmation page provide all the necessary information you needed regarding your purchase?
Post-Purchase Customer Survey 
  1. How was your overall shopping experience with us?
  2. How satisfied are you with your recent purchase from us?
  3. What did you love the most about the experience?
  4. Would you recommend our brand to others?
  5. What would you recommend us to improve in our shopping experience? (Open-ended)
Customer Support Survey
  1. How would you rate the response time of our customer support agents in addressing your inquiries or concerns?
  2. Did you find our support agents helpful in resolving your issues or answering your questions?
  3. Did you find our customer support agent to be polite and respectful?
  4. How knowledgeable was our customer support representative in addressing your concerns? 
  5. Would you say that the customer support team made the process of resolving your issue simple and straightforward?
Product Review Survey
  1. Did our product meet your expectations? 
  2. Did our product fulfill the need you had?
  3. How satisfied are you with the overall value for money our product provides?
  4. How likely are you to continue using our product in the long term?
  5. Based on your recent shopping experience, would you shop from our brand again?
Loyalty Program Survey
  1. What factors motivated you to join our loyalty program?
  2. What specific benefits are you looking forward to receiving as part of our loyalty program?
  3. How satisfied were you with the overall convenience of joining our loyalty program?
  4. Are there any additional perks you would like to see included in our loyalty program?
General Feedback Survey
  1. How likely are you to recommend our company to others?
  2. Is there anything specific you liked about your experience with our company? (Open-ended)
  3. How would you rate the ease of navigating our purchasing process?
  4. Do you have any specific suggestions for us to improve our products or services?
Subscription Feedback Survey
  1. What motivated you to subscribe to our newsletters?
  2. How frequently would you prefer to receive newsletters from us?
  3. How would you rate the variety of offerings available through your subscription?
  4. What types of content would you be most interested in receiving through our newsletters?
  5. Did our subscription service meet your expectations?
Exit Feedback Survey
  1. What was the primary reason for abandoning the shopping process?
  2. Were there any specific obstacles that prevented you from completing your purchase?
  3. Did you encounter any technical difficulties while browsing our website? 
  4. Were there any additional costs that you found off-putting?
  5. Is there anything specific we could have done differently to improve your experience on our website? (Open-ended)
NPS Survey
  1. Were you satisfied with the overall shopping experience?
  2. How would you describe your overall experience with our brand/product?
  3. How likely are you to explore other products offered by our brand?
  4. On a scale of 1-5, how likely are you to recommend our brand to a friend or colleague?
  5. Are there any areas where you feel our brand could improve?

Kickstart your survey journey using questions that drive responses and Improve Your Customer Experience with SurveySensum!

Why is Conducting Online Shopping Surveys Important?

Online shopping surveys hold immense importance for retail and eCommerce businesses for several key reasons:

  1. Insight into Customer Preferences: Surveys provide valuable insights into customer preferences, behaviors, and expectations. Understanding what customers like, dislike, and expect helps businesses tailor their offerings to meet customer needs more effectively, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.
  2. Enhanced Customer Experience: By gathering feedback on the shopping experience, businesses can identify pain points, areas for improvement, and opportunities to streamline processes. Addressing these issues leads to a smoother, more enjoyable shopping journey for customers, increasing the likelihood of repeat business and positive word-of-mouth.
  3. Data-Driven Decision Making: Surveys generate quantitative and qualitative data that can be analyzed to make informed decisions. Whether it’s optimizing website design, refining product offerings, or adjusting pricing strategies, data from surveys guides strategic initiatives that drive business growth and profitability.
  4. Competitive Advantage: Understanding customer preferences and market trends through surveys gives businesses a competitive edge. They can stay ahead of competitors by offering unique value propositions, personalized experiences, and innovative solutions based on customer feedback.
  5. Product Development and Innovation: Surveys help businesses gather feedback on existing products and services, as well as insights into desired features or improvements. This data fuels product development efforts, ensuring that offerings align with customer expectations and market demand, fostering innovation and differentiation.
  6. Customer Retention and Loyalty: By actively seeking feedback and addressing customer concerns, businesses demonstrate a commitment to customer satisfaction. This proactive approach enhances customer trust, fosters loyalty, and reduces customer churn, leading to long-term relationships and repeat purchases.
  7. Marketing Optimization: Surveys provide insights into the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, channels, and messaging. Businesses can optimize marketing strategies based on customer feedback, targeting the right audience with relevant content and promotions to drive engagement and conversions.

In summary, online shopping surveys play a crucial role in shaping customer-centric strategies, improving experiences, driving innovation, and ultimately, achieving sustainable growth and success in the competitive retail landscape.

Final Thoughts

Now you know how having a comprehensive understanding of your customer’s journey can help you to enhance your online shopping experience. 

So, use every touchpoint of your customer to collect their feedback in order to improve their experience.

You can send any type of survey be it CSAT, CES, or NPS based on the relevant customer touchpoints to gather valuable insights into customer experiences. By using these surveys strategically, you can identify areas for improvement, close the loop, and drive overall success.

To create any of these surveys, explore SurveySensum. This retail customer feedback tool can help you to create actionable retail feedback surveys in no time.  

Ready to create actionable retail feedback surveys? Explore SurveySensum today and start improving your online shopping experience effortlessly.


1. What are the questions about online shopping?

Survey questions about online shopping can cover a range of topics such as the user experience on the website, product selection, checkout process, delivery options, customer service satisfaction, and overall shopping experience. Specific questions may inquire about ease of navigation, product descriptions, payment methods, shipping costs, return policies, and feedback on specific purchases.

2. What are the top 5 questions on a survey?

The top 5 online shopping survey questions examples often include:

  • Overall satisfaction rating
  • Likelihood to recommend (Net Promoter Score)
  • Specific feedback on products/services
  • Ease of use or satisfaction with the buying process
  • Suggestions for improvement or additional feedback
3. What are good survey questions for customers?

Good survey questions for online shopping customers are clear, concise, and focused on gathering actionable insights. Some retail survey questions examples include:

  • How satisfied are you with our product/service?
  • How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?
  • What was the best part of your experience with us?
  • What could we do to improve your experience in the future?
  • Did our product/service meet your expectations? Why or why not?

These are some questions for a survey about online shopping.

4. What is an online shopping survey?

A survey about online shopping is a questionnaire designed to gather feedback from customers about their experiences with an online shopping platform or website. It typically includes questions about the shopping process, product satisfaction, customer service, delivery experience, and overall satisfaction with the online shopping experience. The insights from such surveys help businesses improve their online services and tailor their offerings to meet customer expectations better.

Manisha Khandelwal

Senior Content Marketer at SurveySensum

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