Customer Experience

When is the Right Time to Launch SaaS Customer Survey Questions?

Sep 4, 2023

10 mins read

Manisha Khandelwal

While creating SaaS customer surveys, do you often wonder about the right time to launch these surveys? 

You’re not alone. Many businesses have gone through this situation. 

But why’s the timing so important?

It’s because SaaS businesses like yours need happy and long-lasting customers. Asking the right questions at the right time helps you see if your customers are happy, if they have any problems, or if they want something new. This info is super helpful as it identifies pain points, makes improvements, enhances users’ experience, and ensures effective SaaS customer retention.  

And a SaaS customer feedback platform helps you automate the entire process. 

You can also think of it like meeting someone for the first time. You wouldn’t ask them really personal stuff the first time, right? 

Similar is the case with SaaS. If you wait too long to ask, your customers might leave. But if you ask too soon, they might not be ready. 

That’s why finding the right time is important.

So, let’s figure out when you should launch your SaaS customer surveys and what questions you should ask. 

Types of SaaS Customer Survey Questions and When to Send Them

Here are the 10 types of SaaS customer surveys along with the questions and the right time to launch. 

1. Product Market Fit Surveys 

An image showing product market fit survey created on SurveySensum tool asking SaaS customer survey question - how well the product fits into your existing workflow on a 5-point scale 

Why should you launch PMF surveys? 

Product Market Fit (PMF) surveys help you determine whether your product truly satisfies your target audience and, whether your business is on the right track. They provide actionable insights that enable you to make informed decisions, refine your product, and grow your customer base.

When should you launch PMF surveys?

You should conduct PMF surveys after an initial group of customers has spent enough time using your product, typically a few months after launch

Ask the following PMF survey questions:

  • Would you be disappointed if our product were no longer available?
  • What specific features do you find most valuable in our product?
  • What challenges have our product helped you overcome, if any?

2. Product NPS Surveys

An image showing the Product NPS survey created on the SurveySensum tool asking SaaS customer survey question - How likely are you to recommend this product to a friend or colleague on an 11-point scale 

Why should you launch Product NPS surveys? 

In SaaS, there are two key roles: decision-makers and product users. Decision-makers typically use the software less frequently, while product users rely on it heavily. Despite this, when gathering feedback, the focus often leans towards decision-makers. However, it’s equally crucial to pay attention to the perspectives of product users.

Product users play a pivotal role in shaping the product’s development and influencing renewal decisions. They provide valuable insights into missing features and necessary improvements. Therefore, prioritizing their feedback, promptly addressing their issues, and considering their enhancement requests are essential steps for SaaS providers. This approach ensures that the product meets user needs and fosters satisfaction and loyalty.

That’s why, you should implement product NPS surveys in B2B to quantify customer loyalty by asking how likely users are to recommend your product. This data categorizes users into 

  • Promoters who have the potential to become advocates, amplify positive word-of-mouth. 
  • Passives are not really happy with your product and can be converted into promoters if you take their feedback into consideration.
  • Detractors are the unhappiest folks and need to be heard as soon as possible.  

Launching NPS surveys enables measuring loyalty in a concise, impactful manner. This feedback guides strategies to enhance user experience, retain customers, and ultimately foster growth.

When should you launch Product NPS surveys?

Launch these surveys after 90 days when customers have sufficiently used your product after purchase or sign-up. 

After the loyalty question, make sure the product NPS survey is followed by an open-ended question to understand the reason behind their score in detail.

  • On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our product to a friend or colleague?
  • What is the primary reason for the given score?
  • What could we do to improve your experience with our product?

3. Product Onboarding Surveys

An image showing an onboarding survey created on the SurveySensum tool asking SaaS customer survey question - How easy was it for you to get started with the product on the 5-point scale

Why should you launch product onboarding surveys? 

A product onboarding survey builds a good first impression. It shows the customers that you care about how they feel about the product from the very beginning. It eases initial concerns, boosts confidence, and emphasizes the product’s value, assuring customers they made the right choice.

When should you launch product onboarding surveys?

The best time to launch onboarding surveys is

  • If onboarding is quick (a few hours or 1-2 days), do the survey right after they start.
  • But if onboarding takes longer (weeks/months), survey them after they have used your product regularly for the first week.

Ask the following SaaS survey questions:

  • How would you rate your experience with the onboarding process? 
  • What aspects of the onboarding process did you find most valuable?
  • Were there any challenges during the onboarding process? 

4. Product Feature Satisfaction Surveys 

An image showing the product feature satisfaction survey created on the SurveySensum tool asking the SaaS customer survey question - How satisfied customers are with the close loop feature on a 5-point scale

Why should you launch product feature satisfaction surveys? 

Product feature satisfaction feedback surveys help you pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of individual product features. Understanding feature satisfaction enables you to prioritize improvements, allocate resources wisely, and ultimately, enhance the overall user experience.

When should you launch product feature satisfaction surveys?

Conduct these surveys 

  • when a new feature is launched and your user is using it regularly for 2-3 days, 
  • after significant feature updates or as part of a routine feedback-gathering process.
  • when you notice changes in feature usage patterns.


Here are the examples of SaaS customer survey questions:

  • What do you like most about closing the feedback loop feature?
  • On a scale of 1-10, how valuable this feature is for you?
  • Is there any additional feedback you’d like to provide about our product’s specific features?

5. Feature Request and Prioritization Surveys

An image showing a SaaS product prioritization survey created on the SurveySensum tool asking SaaS customer survey question - Which feature to prioritize for future development and giving five options: customizable dashboard widgets, automated workflow templates, two-factor authentication, offline access mode, cross-platform synchronization. 

Why should you launch feature requests and prioritization surveys? 

The product team often receives hundreds of feature requests from various customers, making it a challenging task to prioritize effectively. However, a simple solution is to engage with customers directly

Conducting feature request surveys allows you to gain valuable insights into what customers genuinely desire. By incorporating their ideas into your development plans and bringing them to life, you not only enhance customer satisfaction but also foster customer loyalty.

When to launch feature request and prioritization surveys?

Conduct these surveys 

  • when there are too many feature requests from customers
  • after significant product updates
  • when you notice emerging trends in customer feedback

Ask the following questions:

  • What new feature would you most like to see in our product?
  • How would this new feature enhance your experience with our product?
  • Are there any existing features that you find challenging or unnecessary? If so, please specify.

6. Product Churn Surveys

An image showing an open-ended subscription cancellation survey created on the SurveySensum tool asking SaaS customer survey question - What prompted you to cancel your subscription

Why should you launch product churn surveys? 

Product churn surveys provide insights into customer dissatisfaction and reasons for leaving. This data informs decision-making, helps prevent future customer churn, guides product improvements, and showcases a customer-centric approach. 

When should you launch product churn surveys?

Conduct these surveys immediately after a customer discontinues using your product. 

Ask the following product churn survey questions:

  • Why did you stop using our product?
  • Were there specific features of our product that didn’t meet your expectations?
  • On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to reconsider using our product if the issues you mentioned were resolved?


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7. Product Experience Surveys

 An image showing a product experience survey created on the SurveySensum tool asking SaaS survey questions - We'd love to hear your thoughts! Could you please take a moment to share your experience with our XYZ product?

Why should you launch product experience surveys? 

To collect authentic reviews and testimonials, which can build trust, influence potential buyers, and drive sales. Positive reviews enhance product reputation, while constructive feedback aids in product improvement. Both are valuable for attracting and retaining customers.

When should you launch product experience surveys?

Conduct these surveys after 90 days when the customer gives a ten score on the NPS survey. 

Ask the following questions:

  • What do you like most about our product?
  • Is there anything else you’d like to share about your experience with our product?

8. Free Trial Surveys 

An image showing a free trial survey created on the SurveySensum tool asking SaaS survey questions - How satisfied are you with your experience during the free trial of our XYZ product?

Why should you launch free trial surveys? 

The free trial feedback survey provides valuable data on user experiences during the free trial period. This helps you refine your product, and increase your chances of turning users into customers. 

When should you launch free trial surveys?

Conduct these surveys shortly after the 14 days or when the free trial period ends

Ask the following free trial of SaaS survey questions:

  • On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to subscribe to our premium service after the free trial?
  • How was your free trial experience? 
  • Did the free trial meet your expectations? 

9. Customer Support Surveys

An image showing a customer support survey created on the SurveySensum tool asking the SaaS survey question - Are you satisfied with the assistance provided by our support team? Yes or No. 

Why should you launch customer support surveys? 

The customer support survey helps businesses evaluate the effectiveness of their customer support efforts, pinpoint areas for improvement, and gauge customer satisfaction levels. Feedback from these surveys enables companies to improve their support processes and ensure they consistently deliver top-notch service.

When should you launch customer support surveys?

Conduct these surveys immediately after customers have interacted with your support team, whether it’s through live chat, phone calls, or email after their issue is resolved. 

Ask the following customer support survey questions:

  • How satisfied are you with the assistance provided by our support team? 
  • Was your issue resolved to your satisfaction during this support interaction? 
  • Did our support team respond to your inquiry in a timely manner?


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10. Relationship NPS Surveys

An image showing the grid relationship NPS survey created on the SurveySensum tool asking SaaS customer survey question - How much do you agree with the following statements on 5-point rating scale about alignment with your strategic goals, overall product performance, customer support responsiveness, value for money, etc. 

Why should you launch relationship NPS surveys? 

The Relationship NPS survey is a critical tool for businesses looking to gauge and nurture long-term customer relationships. It’s essential because it helps companies measure customer loyalty, identify areas for improvement, and foster lasting connections with their customers.

When should you launch relationship NPS surveys?

Conduct these surveys periodically, every 6 months to assess the overall health of your customer relationships. 

Ask the following relationship NPS survey questions:

  • On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?
  • What specifically do you value most about our company and the products/services we provide?
  • In your recent interactions with us, did you feel that we met your expectations? 

And it’s time to wrap it up. 

Wrapping up…

Now that you know the right SaaS customer survey questions and the right timings for deploying them, make sure you implement them. By doing that you can gather customer insights and accordingly improve your product. 

Not just that. 

After analyzing the gathered feedback you can close the feedback loop in real-time – leading to enhanced user experience and driving business growth. So, no matter which satisfaction survey you’re launching, sending it at the right time ensures accurate and actionable results. Also, through tailored surveys, you can align your SaaS offering with user expectations, leading to higher customer retention, and increased satisfaction.

Oh, and for the cherry on top – SurveySensum. Its user-friendly features make gathering, analyzing, and utilizing customer feedback a piece of cake. Who needs a crystal ball when you’ve got survey insights to rocket your SaaS business into the stratosphere?


Manisha Khandelwal

Senior Content Marketer at SurveySensum


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